
Do landlords have to replace carpets in a rental home if you have lived there for more than 2 years?

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I have lived in a rental home for 2 years now, i am getting ready to move out and the landlords are threatening to charge me to replace the carpets. Isn't that the landlords responsibility after so long. I have been told by that they are suppose to replace carpets if the tenants have lived there for 2 years or more. i just need help....




  1. There is no requirement to replace carpets after a certain time period, if the carpets are in good condition.  I am guessing that you are being asked to pay for replacement because you did something to the carpets which rendered them in NOT good condition.  If you damaged the carpets, be prepared to cough up to pay for their replacements.

  2. There is no such rule.  If they need replacing after 2 years, the landlord is well within his rights to make you pay for the replacement.

  3. I have never in my life heard that a landlord has to replace carpets after two years. There is no such a law. I am positive. I have taken real estate law.

    For example: Why would a landlord need to replace carpet after 2 years, if it has a 20 year warranty?  That makes no sense at all.

    The landlord is not responsible for stains, damage by pets, children, stains form food and beverages, etc.

  4. Landlords don't have to do anything unless it's outlined in the rental agreement.  If your agreement specifies that the landlord is responsible for/will take care of any damage to the house or replace anything that needs it out of their own pocket, then you'd be fine.  But if this wasn't in the lease you signed, then unfortunately you'd be the one who would have to pay for any repairs that cropped up during your stay.  The length of time doesn't matter;  what you signed does.

    Which brings me to my next question;  why do the carpets need replacing?  Are they especially old/torn up/ect?  If it's simply a question of them being old and dirty, and you yourself didn't do any damage to them, then I'd advise you to rent a carpet steam cleaning machine (which isn't very expensive) and clean them yourself.  Take pictures before and after you do this, so if the landlord tries to press the matter you can prove that the carpets only needed cleaning, which you took care of yourself.  If the carpets are really torn up, however, you may be out of luck, since unless you took photos of how it looked when you moved in, you can't prove that you didn't actually do the damage.

    Please remember that I'm not a lawyer, I'm only speaking from personal experience here and offering what advice I can think of.  Just make sure you know the basis of your rental agreement and what your rights are.  I hope this all works out for you.

  5. 2 years?   Are you joking?

    If you destroyed it they will need to replace it, but carpeting lasts 20-30 years.   2 is still brand new.

  6. If you owned your home do you think you'd be replacing the carpet every two years? Whoever told you that was wrong. When taken care of carpet can last up to 20 years. He can charge you to replace the carpet if there are stains caused by you that won't come out. Cigarette burns and snags from dragging furniture around the room are also chargeable. In just 2 years you haven't lived there long enough to wear it out.

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