
Do lawyers also have to serve jury duty?

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Do lawyers also have to serve jury duty?




  1. likely not as they never had to serve in the various wars protecting democracy-WW2, Korea, Vietnam or Gulf wars one and two.  More than likely you will find lawyers today becoming fat and bloated as they attempt to defend the rich for their excesses. And apparently they lose little sleep as millions die, as long as the rich get richer and the war profiteers profit. My opinion of course... But , would you really want a lawyer to serve on jury duty?  Wouldn't it be a little like a pimp supervising a home for "wayward girls". Or yahoo turning over the internet records of Chinese dissidents to their communist government...exposing them to torture, execution or slavery?

  2. They might get called, and yes - it's possible, but since jurors are often prescreened, before jury selection, it's more likely they are weeded out

  3. Traditionally, many countries have the common laws to prevent lawyers to become jury. I think you can read the laws, too.

  4. I know Missouri changed the law/rules a few years back, now attorneys can serve on juries.   However, as a practicing attorney, if I ever saw one in the jury pool, I would move to have him/her removed for cause, citing they are likely by their training and knowledge to unfairly lead a non-legally trained group.  The one time I had to try it, the judge agreed and the attorney was removed for cause.  (I would have burned a peremptory strike to have him removed in my case!)

  5. Unless the Canons Of Law have changed attorneys/lawyers, by the nature of their work, are legally known as "Friends Of The Court". Being so, they may be called, but are barred from serving on juries. They can be witnesses.

  6. In NY we do. There are basically no more exemptions in this state.

  7. No neither are police or other government officials

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