
Do lebanese people still migrate alot these days?

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in the past lebanese arabs migrated alot to america and australia ect do many lebanese ppl still do that nowadays?




  1. ya man .. they still do .. every young man/woman in Lebanon is dreaming about going away .. !

  2. Yes, but it seems it is mostly Christians and Druze though.  I rarely come across a Lebanese Muslim.

  3. The younger generation have been forced to leave because of lack of opportunities in Lebanon..

    The destabilised economy has limited professional careers & salaries for those fortunate enough to have work are not  reflective of qualifications.

    Many of the younger members of my family are now working in the gulf states & many others are looking to immigrate .

    Sad because none of them want to leave's a case of necessity !

  4. yes they still migrate alot as the situation in Lebanon is still not stable

  5. of course they are! more people would have migrated if they could. in order to move one needs money and/or education and family support. they only permit people who can prove that they can support themselves when they arrive to that country. as a result this is draining these countries IE; Lebanese from its resources. this is also known as brain drain!  peace

  6. Are they allowed to?  IS it easy to do?  I doubt it.  I don't think they immigrate much here (America).

  7. They sure do. They might run down our Godless, capitalistic society but it 's a h**l of a lot better than where they came from.

  8. yes....they are migrating so much . But this is something that lebanese pple has as a characteristic.

    I dunno if is genetic or  what it is. But since phoenicians times they have gone  to another countries and have lived there. South America and Australia have been the main destinations in the past century.....and Canada and USA nowadays.

    The reasons to do it have been always different...wars..conquers...

    invassions.....and recently......

    better opportunities for get  jobs outside their country and the  unstable politic situation in Lebanon too.

    You'll find a lebanese in any corner of the world..........always.

    I'm part of the lebanese diaspora........

  9. i think they do....  I'm not sure.

  10. Yes they still do,but Lebanese aren't Arabs.Read History

  11. mine does...hes temporarily migrating to the uk to see me tomorrow !!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaay . but seriously, yes they do. hes working and relocated from lebanon to saudi now, its too hard for him to live in lebanon, he has very sad experiences from there.

  12. Of course they are but not as before, A statistic made by an economic magazine n 5581 June 2008 (le commerce du levant) shows that 37%Lebanese are satisfied on there works and 36% are very satisfied  on the UAE 30% are only satisfied, in my opinion when the situation will be better many unsatisfied young will be back to leb ....

  13. hey there i have a close friend of mine that lives in Lebanon, and he tells me that almost all the people there have relatives outside the country, but they are still people who migrate but in lesser numbers, he told me  that most fled during the Civil war. He said that there are many College students studying abroad in Europe too. Thats all i know. hope i helped :)

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