
Do left-handed divorced men make better lovers?

by Guest65489  |  earlier

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Do left-handed divorced men make better lovers?




  1. wait, what?

  2. Well I married a left handed man and I'm VERY happy! I don't know if there's an actual difference at all but my ex was right handed and not nearly as satisfying as my current husband. It's all in how you look at it I suppose.

  3. What? I fail to see how that situation makes any difference in a man's performance.

  4. h**l no... my brother in law is left handed and he got a divorce !!  He always puts himself before everyone including his 2 little girls and would always ignore his wife... so she divorced his ***.  Well, at least I know you can't base someone being left handed making them a better lover.

  5. nah...theyre just as good as the right handed divorced men...

    being right or left handed doesnt have anything to do with being good lovers..

  6. It does make a difference. I'm ambidextrous, and believe that's why I am twice as good a lover as the next best man.I knew it had to be a reason for it somewhere.

  7. depends what foot they write with .


    it has no bearing on anything

  8. I personally go for the ambidextrous divorced man. Oh man, oh man, oh man!!! I married that one!!!  

  9. Yes its a well documented fact.

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