
Do liberals dislike VP choice Palin,cause she is pretty,smart,or does the truth hurt that much?

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Do liberals dislike VP choice Palin,cause she is pretty,smart,or does the truth hurt that much?




  1. It's because she's a "regular" woman who also has lots of executive experience as both a mayor and a governor, which is something that none of the 3 men have.

    Democrats for McCain !!!

  2. Do you really think Palin deserves to be the first Female VP?  Democrat or Republican, don't you think there are a few more women out there that deserve to be the first woman VP?

    And she's a liar, which is made worse by the fact that she claims to be a Christian.  Nothing worse than a Christian that lies.

  3. She talks about whipping AZz in Iraq

    She doesn't even know how to kiss her own daughters AZz

    She tries to claim she has more experience than Obama and Biden HAHAHA yeah right!!!

    She's pathetic

  4. I am a liberal and I like her because she is cute and friendly, and somewhat smart.  I wouldn't mind if she was the administrative assistant at the school I teach in.  I bet she'd do  a decent job.

    However, as a potential VP, I do not like her at all.  She is a Fundamentalist christian right wing conservative.  McCain is a democrat compared to Palin and I don't particularly agree with him on most issues.

    Anyone who thinks teaching creationism alongside of evolution, as if the two ideas were remotely related, is either very much under educated or not all that smart.

    Not to mention the fact that she is as good at stretching the truth as the rest of the republicans, with a smile she delivers the lines about being against 'the bridge' , thanks but no thanks, when she accepted money for it, KEPT the money, and changed her position when it became clear that the rest of the money from congress would not be forthcoming.

    lol, the truth is what I don't like about her as a vp.

  5. The TRUTH ?? What TRUTH ?? Republican TRUTH like Iraq has WMDs and that Saddam was responsible for 9/11 ?? Are these the TRUTHS you are referring to ?

    If you have no objection ,I will pass on what REPUBLICANS try and pawn off as THE TRUTH .

  6. Their afraid of her because they see a winner so they will do every thing they can to make her look bad.

  7. They fear her because every day between now and the election they have to look at the personification of Senator Obama's bitter remarks.

  8. They dislike her because she resonates with working and middle class people.  Her popularity is very high, the liberals are worried that when her record as governor comes out that people will discover that she actually has more practical experience than their ultra left Obama and did not simply vote present all the while running for President and she is but the VP candidate when Obama is running for President with no experience and no decisions under his belt.

  9. Truth hurt? What truth? her attacks? lame and sick and tired of this kind of politics. Good speech, I enjoyed listening to her. Nothing to say other than attacks.

  10. Hey I'm pretty and smart!! I also completed college in 6 years. But I got a Masters Degree and that was all at the same college.

    Hey I should run for VP!!!!!!!!

  11. No, I dislike her because she's strongly anti-choice and thinks everyone else should be too. McCain's old, and the presidency is a taxing job

    And by the way, although I'm sure she's smart enough, she doesn't come off very well in her interviews - "What does the vice president DO, exactly?"

    Ugh. I don't want someone who asks questions like that in the White House, especially with John McCain so feeble.

  12. Yes she is conservative, intelligent, competent, self reliant and loves her country, all things a liberal hates, you can tell how scared they are by the way they attack everything about her even her children.

  13. Liberal feminists only support pro-abortion and ugly women. Not the smart, beautiful, conservative mothers of the country.

  14. She is just so irrelevant...She goes home in november

  15. they dislike her because they are scared. they thought their "hero" was going to win and now they aren't so sure. when animals smell fear, they attack.

  16. No, they dislike her because they do not agree with her policies and ethics.  And really, imagine her pulling the attitude from her speech when she's in actual foreign policy discussions.  To me, thats not who I want representing our country.  I would rather she treat those she disagrees with, with more respect.

  17. No it's because even you are probably more qualified than her!

    Also their is a great distinction between just Democrats, and actual libertarians.  So, blanket statements like Liberal to me means that I have the ability to choose for myself, instead of a mob telling me what to believe.

    Thanks for that

  18. What truth?

  19. Pretty, smart, and extremist

  20. Why is our republican leadership asking us to accept and support a candidate who is young, good-looking and gave one good speech written by our staff?

    I don't get it! For months we've been told that Obama's only qualities are that he writes and gives good speeches and that isn't enough.

    So, why would we support this woman automatically? Get her out in front of the press! Let her put Al Jazeera in its place!

    This year I'm a Maverick, too! No more lockstep voting for the party. I really want to see some substance from Sarah Palin, as proof of the pudding.

  21. they know they are doomed

  22. They are scared and bitter and also wishing their candidate had selected a well-qualified woman like McCain did, as his running mate.  It cracks me up how this woman has run a city and a state, but she isn't qualified for VP, but Obama has been in the senate for a couple of years and he is qualified for president.  Hypocricy at its finest.

  23. Democrats are thrilled that McCain picked such a phony, sarcastic loser, which changes her superficial good looks to ugliness.

    What truth are you talking about? Nothing she said was truthful. All she talked about was her family and used them politically. I just loved that her pregnant, unmarried daughter had to be embarrassed by having her boyfriend be forced to come to the convention and be put on display. The rest of her speech was all sarcasm and insulting the Democrats and Obama. It didn't show how smart she was, it showed how stupid she was. They will soon be forgotten.    

  24. Palin is a fake! She's no reformer and she is vengeful with people who disagree with her.

    Check it out:

  25. They hate her cause she's pretty, doesn't wear pantsuits, embraces motherhood, and cause she didn't choose to murder her special needs baby, isn't ashamed of a 17 year who is bearing up to her responsibilities, and because she doesn't believe average americans are too stupid to think for themselves.  She destroys all that they've fought so bitterly for.

  26. I think she is a hypocrite and her looks should have nothing to do with her inability to run a country. I thinks she's driven, not smart.

  27. She is a huge threat to what they thought would be an easy election. The liberal mantra is everything is Bushs fault. Plus the fact that she is beautiful does not help the dems either.

  28. Liberals dislike Governor Sarah Palin because, as a successful governor who is pro-life and pro-second amendment (in other words, pro-Constitution), she is a threat to their ideology.

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