
Do liberals have trouble with Palin because she hasnt been caught having s*x in her office?

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And really, the fact her 17 yr old daughter is preggo should make her all the more human and acceptable to libs. Shes a likeable, intelligent, strong female...she just has better ethics and values than say, oh, Hillary Clinton.




  1. no, they have a problem with her because she knows nothing of Washington, real foreign issues, or how to be PRESIDENT yet....

    Plus, she's too pro-life, I mean, who says a woman should be forced to have a baby if it is a product of rape or incest? that's just sickening!  

  2. Good point!

    We forgive Presidents and congressmen for having s*x in office claiming, " they all do it, He is only human"

    Well Palin and her daughters are human too,  so we should just get over it and move on the real issues like: health care, employment, and bringing our troops home.

  3. the liberals are scared to death of palin so they are picking at any little issue they can. what in the world does her pregnant daughter have to do with the election? that's how desperate they are.  

  4. She is disliked my moderates/liberals because she thinks she has a God-given right to impose her extremist views on others. She is not strong and independent - she is a bully.

  5. Do republicans need to mention Bill Clinton to make themselves feel better about McCain's horrible VP pick?

  6. No, because of her hypocrisy. There is more to come I wouldn't be talking too much

  7. i have a problem with palin because shes one of those idiots that believe the universe was created 6000 yrs ago.i also will never put a woman of child bearing age that close to the presidency,what happens if she gets knocked up in office.does she go on maternity leave while the country goes to h***.

  8. Yes. You can tell because so many of them use MILF when refereing to Palin.

    And her teenage daughter's unplanned pregnancy is having he opposite effect.  People especially teenage girls are identifying with Palins daughter.

  9. No but Palin's kids might get caught there.

    Hillary didn't drop out of school. Bristol did.

    Sarah is an advocate of Abstinence ... Ha! Imagine that.

  10. "hasn't been caught" is the key phrase here...doesn't mean it hasn't happened, she just hasn't been caught.

  11. "Human and acceptable."  Yeah, stick with that one.

  12. Yes. How come we never hear that.. Strange silence...

  13. Hippocrates.

  14. no

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