
Do liberals live in Bizarro World?

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In Bizarro world everything is upside down. What's wrong is right, what's good is bad, what's up is down and what's black is white.

In Bizarro World the truth is a lie and evil begins in the streets of America. In Bizarro World the Boy Scouts are bad and the ACLU and NAMBLA are good. Unwanted babies are to be exterminated and illegal alien baby killers are to be protected.

Can anyone give some more example of how liberals live in Bizarro World.




  1. Somebody needs to do some more research...I don't understand how people can be so stupid!  Do some research fool...I know it is easier to make things up...typical righties.

  2. They punish people who create wealth in society and reward those who chip away at it.

  3. Nope, but in my version of bizarro world you ban abortions and refuse to fund birth control or education about how to prevent pregnancy other than abstinence ony.  In my version of bizarro world you do not enforce the immigration laws for 20 years and then get your panties all in a bunch and try to deport the 20 years worth of people who live and work here illegally because our government was too greedy or too lazy to enforce our laws.  In my version of bizarro world, "the invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation is not acceptable in today's world"...unless we do it.  So my bizarro world is populated entirely by some sort of modern day conservatives.

  4. Silly boy...

    ...'tis neocons that live in your Bizarro World.

  5. I describe liberalism as misguided good intentions, or dysfunctional morality  

  6. Bizarro world is where you protest abortions yet have no problem sending young kids to war.

    BY the way, ACLU protected Rush Limbaugh's right to privacy when the media was trying to get his medical records. It's a CIVIL LIBERTIES organization, they protect EVERYONE.

    You want to destroy a civil liberties group? Who will you replace them with? Why do you ignore the majority of good work they do and yet focus on a few controversial cases?

    Your a neo-conservative drone.

  7. No.  It is straw man arguments that are bizarre.  

  8. i guess in bizarro world there is a better sense of brotherhood, camaraderie and the ability to lend a helping hand to others, whereas in whatever world you are living in, only the strong survive and the others suffer and die. In bizarro world, people also get to have the choice to be or not be stuck with an unwanted child and have to pay for the many expenses that come with that child. in bizarro world, everybody is given equal opportunity and not dismissed because of where they come from.

    in bizarro world, two wrongs don't make a right.

  9. I dont believe they do, i feel as though liberals live in a very simple world in which they think everyone should give them money to spend on giving people stuff they dont deserve and creating a country that comes closer and closer to turning into a communistic country everytime a liberal is elected.

  10. Bizarro World?  Isn't that where McCain has one of his houses?  Wasn't McCain a POW in Bizarro World?  Isn't Bizarro World where every advisor on McCain's staff ISN'T a active paid lobbyist?  I got it Bizarro World is where people actually think that McCains sexist jokes about women being raped and beaten are funny.

  11. I like toast.

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