
Do liberals not care if the governemnt takes away freedom becasue of "global warming"?

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It seems that liberals want the government to take away any freedom possible.




  1. They are all one in the same. The only way to see if someone has not been compromised is to see if they are affiliated in any way with the CFR, Tirlateral Comission, etc...

    Do your homework... only 1 candidate for president has NOT been compromised so far...

  2. Define freedom.  A train "freed" from its rails can't go anywhere.  If we s***w up our environment, we're not going to be very free.

  3. hmm i came back to check and fail to see you added any proof to your question. i'll keep checking though!

    guess you failed to convince me with your "facts" i give up

  4. Care, of course they don't care.  This is their long term goal.

  5. Your question appears to suggest that conservatives are all for destroying the environment for the benefit of unlimited freedom.

    Well we are not nearly that foolish!

  6. What freedom are you referring to?  The freedom to destroy the environment for everyone for... what?  Fun and profit?

    What kind of freedom will you and I have if sea level rises 40 feet?  Hmm?  

    Most liberals want the government to subsidize alternate energy sources on a greater level and regulate irresponsible corporations.  That's not "taking away freedom", it's exercising the mandate that the United States government was given since its creation.

    Either you're confused or you're setting up a straw man...

    either way...

  7. Do neocons not care if boy george takes away our freedom?  I'm sorry, I need to answer your question.  

    Our freedom has not been taken away because of AGW.  Would you like to take away our freedom to act to reduce the impact of AGW? Freedom to make advances to help reduce pollution?  Freedom to find alternative fuel sources and stop buying so much oil?

    I guess we already know the answer to my questions!  Grow up and become a REAL American.  Put American ingenuity to work. Don't just deny a problem exist in the hope that it will go away.

  8. WoW! It's shocking that so many equate freedom with some perceived notion that there is a freedom to pollute.

    Of course no one has the "freedom" to cause harm to others.  This includes causing harm to others by damaging their property.

    But this is the problem for the liberals.  My SUV has caused no one to lose one cent.  No one can sue me for damages, I caused none.

    It bothers them that others have more than they do.  This is why they use global warming as an excuse to take from others.  Now they can be as equal to those better than them.

  9. What "freedom"?  I don't want my neighbor free to burn phosphorus  on his property and fan it toward me. I don't want my neighbor, upstream from me, pouring toxins into the river I used to water my vegetable garden. I think we can all live without that kind of "freedom", and I bet you agree.

    The freedom to swing my arm ends at someone else's nose.  Likewise, the freedom to emit something into the air ends when it harms other people.  As far as I"m concerned, you are free to burn anything you want, but once it leaves your house and enters  the common air-space shared by all, then the public at large rightly has something to say about it.

    I'd be curious as to how you think your freedom would be hurt if instead of subsidizing the oil & coal industry, our government instead started some serious subsidizing of technological start-ups that can replace dirty energy and free us from dependence on the Middle East (along with the enormous military expenditures we use to help keep that region stable).

  10. Conservatives didn't care when Bush took some of ours away in the name of security.

  11. do neo cons not care if the government takes away freedoms because of the "patriot act"?

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