
Do liberals understand that Jackson and Sharpton are false leaders for civil rights? ?

by Guest32973  |  earlier

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Is the goal for civil rights leaders to reduce racial conflict and to promote racial unity OR to incite racial hatred and exploit the conflict for political gain?

We honer and celebrate Dr King's message, to forgive, to bring people together and heal wounds.

Jackson and Sharpton clearly and defiantly, pervert Dr King's message to exploit racial conflict, to personally gain power and money. Jessie Jackson shakes down corporations, sending " consultants" to launder millions of dollars through his tax exempt slush accounts.

Only racists and Kook Aid drinking liberals will argue that Jackson and Sharpton are genuine and not corrupt. But....

But liberals deny they are responsible for placing these false leaders as representatives for all black people. Liberals blame the media for appointing these cretins as leaders while the media blames liberals.

If liberals were really committed to Dr King's message, why do they do the opposite and enable the race baiters who prevent Dr King's dream from happening?

Do liberals believe Jackson and Sharpton are false leaders or do they condone the corruption in exchange for their support of socialist causes and other liberal wet dreams?

My guess is, liberals who recognixe the faults of these cretins, deny that their ideology is responsible for appointing them as spokespersons for all black Americans. The rest of the liberals are Kool Aid drinkers who support any wrong doe'r who carries the socialist flag.

What do liberals say?




  1. Anyone with any common sense see that Sharpton and Jackson are nothing more than opportunists guided by self interest. I don't know who you are talking to.

  2. For a White person you seem to be better equipped to define who's, who's leader. Your standing in quicksand sir, do you need a hand or a rope? Think about it.

  3. Sounds like you know as well as I do... There is no hope for the liberals. I mean,  I am all for getting a person help, but some of them get to the point where they've gone so far that the only way to get back is to figure it out themselves... IF this ever happens. Jackson and Sharpton? I have no idea why, but you will find that simple minded people follow other simple minded people that make what sounds like great speaches and stand for what seems like great things and look great on the OUTSIDE. They don't care about the contents. This statement is my own: Obama are like McDonalds. Looks great on the menu, and is very pleasant to the senses, but I'll tell you right now it's NOT GOOD FOR YOU. Yet, people still go to McDonalds in the millions. Just an example of how screwed this country really is. Give it 25 years - I just can't wait. The previous statement can easily be made to fit jackson and sharpton, except that they don't always even sound that great - this defies logic, and I have no true answer for you.

  4. It would be insulting to black Americans to suggest that they play any role in supporting racist leaders.

    So, it is really splitting hairs between the media and liberals. Is there any difference? The media is permeated with socialists, liberals and those who want to bring back the spirit of the 60's.

    I don't think you will get an honest answer from a liberal. They will never admit a portion of their ideology is corrupt.

    Notice how Hollywood has been churning out a plethora of movies and TV shows, focusing on past racist struggles and wrong doing to black Americans? Maybe the reason they do that is because the civil rights laws have all been changed and these atrocities from the past are not happening any more. So, Hollywood has to incite racial tension by churning out these movies and shows, to fan the flames of racial hatred; Hollywood needs to create a cause, so that no one will figure out that liberals no longer have a cause any more. No wonder socialists and communists hi-jacked the democratic party, there is no other cause, for liberals to rally behind. Capitalism is now their target and most of these liberal lemmings have no clue they have been manipulated.    

  5. I say this is a real nice rant with no facts.

  6. Jesse Jackson is a shakedown artist.  He accuses a business of discriminating until they make a donation to 'the cause.'

  7. Stop starting trouble.  You can start by stop spreading your hate.  

  8. I believe Jackson is sincere but misguided and Sharpton is simply an attention-grabbing opportunist.

  9. I'm surely not a liberal but you are only ranting to people with preconceived notions. What do expect these guys to do, advocate for white people? I don't see any links to any factual information. Al Sharpton is actually a very smart guy and funny too. You don't agree with liberal ideology so they are all "koolaid drinkers"  and socialists right? You should educate yourself about all different kinds of political ideologies so that the next time you try to debate something intelligent people will take you seriously and not think that you're just some backwoods hick.

  10. So you are praising Joel Osteen and Oral Roberts as your new God since according to you, White is Right

  11. they are extremists on the issue... that's what extremists do.. pervert the deeds of great men...

    at least we have civil rights proponents...

  12. Do you understand that being a liberal has nothing to do with agreeing with Jackson or Sharpton?  There are plenty of liberals, myself included that think Jackson and Sharpton should just go away.

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