
Do long distance relationships work?

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Do long distance relationships work?




  1. It depends on the people.  I have known long distance relationships that worked very well, but the people were very committed to each other, and knew each other well before the relationship became a long distance one.  A relationship that starts as a long distance relationship has to become face-to-face at some point to see if it can really work.  Some people are happy with a long distance relationship because they both also value their private time.  Such relationships probably work better for people who are a little older and may be looking for different things in a relationship, and the need to be together physically may not be as significant as the overall relationship itself.  I think a long distance relationship has little chance of working over the long term, particularly with younger people.  There has to be an end in sight, a plan to be together.  It very much depends on the situation and people involved.  

    Is there a reason this question was asked in "Boats and Boating"?

  2. only if you are a sailboat and she is a schooner.

  3. no, because when the person is far you want to cuddle or u feel sexual sometimes and you can't really do much with them except talk on the phone for hours, and you will realize you can't do that, because you want to be with them and hold them

  4. not really

  5. NO

  6. I'd say it depends on the individuals and how committed they are to each strong the bond is between them.  It can work, but it's not easy.  If it's too long apart, you can grow apart.  My husband and I honestly both like being with each other, and usually we are, practically all the time.  Right now we're apart because he's switched careers and had to leave for training.  I think we'll be fine.  But we're older too...not old, certainly, but what I mean is that I think when you're younger it's more difficult because there are different things that are important in peoples' minds.  Namely, sexual needs, in large part.  If what you have isn't based on that, then it's easier for it to work I think.  When you get older I think that typically that's just not the first thing on your list of important things to think about in the relationship I think. :)

  7. Well.......if it is with the right will work, but eventually......the "next step" should be taken.(movng in together, etc)  You can't live apart forever!

  8. For some people.  But why is this question in boating!

  9. depends on your willpower and commitment level. i recent got engaged to my gf of 2 years one of which was long distance.

  10. Boats & Boating section..... sail on over to the other category to ask this.

  11. Nope.

  12. What happens in many cases, however, is that one of the partners may start feeling lonely and begin looking around to see what the "relationship market" has to offer.

    But if the woman, for example, decides to hold back and not date anybody during her time away from her boyfriend, he should also be saving himself for her. Right? In an ideal situation, this would be the plan. But unfortunately, that's not always possible.

    The guy in question might start fooling around, but will eventually feel guilty about it, even if six months have passed since he last saw his girlfriend.

    The problem is that the terms of the relationship clearly state that this should not happen. What then?

    Simply having made a decision to allow each other the freedom to date other people while they were apart, and seeing if they still felt the same way about each other once they were reunited, could have prevented this situation. Hence, the second category for a long-distance relationship.

  13. Depends on how far, and if you have any way to seeing each other. Im from SC, and I went out with a guy from Chicago, Of course it didnt work. Too young, and too far to see each other. Maybe if it was like right outside your 15-45 minutes, then it possibly could work. good luck with anything. =]]

  14. No, I don't think so. My friend had a boyfriend for about 5 years and she moved to California to study and she stayed her because she has a good job. They planned to see each other as often as possible, but after 2 years, she found another guy and now she split up with the guy from california and is dating the other guy, they are still friends.

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