
Do majority of voters actually look beyond tv ads?

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I have to admit, that I have in the past, but this is so very important




  1. No.  Just ask them some questions of why when they state a position and the vast majority of people can't answer the question.  I do this to Democrats all the time and if you can get them to actually think past the emotional void first answer they will soon realize their position can't hold up and end up either getting frustrated and leaving because they realize what they believe is wrong or stating a republican position which infuriates them when you point out how that is a conservative view.

  2. The majority of voters don't even look AT tv ads.

  3. I'm so happy that you are awake now, dont fall back asleep make sure you wake up all your loved ones too.

    Ron Paul 08

    He's still in the race

  4. I sure hope so!!!!!!  I pray so!!!!  It would be pitiful if they didn't.

  5. If they are actually intelligent, yes. But we live in America, the land of the fat and dumb, so there's a good chance a large percentile of voters don't.

  6. Yes that's what I was thinking during the last election, it doesn't seem like they do.  I also notice that there are so many 1 issue voters. They focus on one thing and that's it. Worse though are those that don't care enough to vote.

  7. Yes, unfortunately I have.  I discovered all the candidates suck.

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