
Do male and female hamsters have equally tameable personalities?

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Some people say that females are more territorial and agressive, but I think they can be equally one way or the other depending on how they're raised.




  1. Females are considered to be bigger and more aggressive than male hamsters. The aggression in females is especially more prominent when she is pregnant or is a nursing mother. During this time, even dwarf females can turn territorial even fighting with their male companions for space.

    Also among dwarfs, it is said that two male hamsters in the same cage can get along better than two female hamsters in the same cage.

    However these rules may not be applicable to every hamster. Like you have said very accurately, it is more dependent on how they are raised rather than what gender they are. In so many years of my having hamsters, I have found all of them equally cute and tame. Currently among my two dwarf hamsters, the female is actually very tame compared to the male who shows a bit of aggression when he smells strangers, so that goes against the rules!

  2. well i had a male hamster and i couldnt even touch it without it biting my fingers off so i think its the way you handle and how much you look after the animal that it depends on how friendly they are.

    My friend had a male hamster and hers was friendly so i definately think its to do with how you handle them

  3. Male hamsters are attended to be more aggressive then females because they would fight over females and for territory. They are usually more smelly then females because they mark there territory, like for example, they might even pee out of there cage and on the walls to mark there territory

    Female hamsters are usually more on the gentle side because they are goo caring mothers. They also don't really need to mark there territory so they tend to make less of a mess.

    There are some clean gentle male hamsters or vicious stinky female hamsters, but usually it's whats on top.

  4. yes they are equal tnhey are more teritorial towards new hamsters

  5. females are more aggresive but can be really nice if tamed properly, males are more easy to look after but it doesnt matter both genders are realy lovely if tamed right

  6. i had 2 male hamsters they were very visious and was always bitting me. My friend has 2 female hamster they are nice to hold and dont bite.

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