
Do male turtles push their gentilia out?

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Our turtle did this the other day, well we think it was. We first thought it was going to the toilet but then it suddenly disappeared




  1. This is called 'fanning'. It is done for many reasons... stress, showing off, intimidating rivals, teenage hormones (even in turtles), etc.

    Whenever anything unusual happens to you, no matter how normal it turns out to be, it is a good idea to review the cares. Give a look at for great ideas.

  2. Yes they do, mine does it to warn me that I'm stressing him out. He will often do it when you pick him up. Maybe he's trying to show off because he is trying to find a mate or he has a crush on you <3

  3. Popular culture would have it that turtles are weak, flaccid, crappy organisms with dull social lives, stunted and barely functional internal organs and - it goes without saying - undersized s*x organs. Believe it or don't, turtles are horrifically well-endowed. Hydraulic intromittent male sexual organs - or ***** - are not unique to mammals among tetrapods, but are also present in squamates, archosaurs and turtles, and this phylogenetic distribution has led some authors to conclude that these organs were present in amniote common ancestors.

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