
Do many AP's adopt from foreign countries so as to obtain a child of their (AP's) same race? ?

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  1. I think some people do, due to the popularity of Russian/Eastern Europe programs.  

    That's based on the assumption that the APs are white, choosing to adopt white children.  

    Obviously, that's not ALL international adoptive parents, neither is it the majority.

  2. Some do.  My cousin and his wife adopted 2 children from Russia, and chose Russia specifically because they wanted children who might possibly look like they could be theirs.  (And that's pretty much what happened...if you saw a family photo of mom, dad, and 2 kids together, you'd never guess that the boys were adopted.)

    However, that's obviously not the case in all circumstances...I also know several white families who have adopted from China and Guatemala.

  3. Yes !

  4. Transracial adoption has its own difficulties, and not everyone is prepared to deal with this. Some parents aren't comfortable with the attention you get whey your children are obviously adopted. People do ask rude questions, stare, assume your children belong to someone else.... Also if you want to raise a child of a different race you have a responsibility to expose them to that culture and people of that race. Depending on the APs and where they live this can be difficult.

    I think it is best if people adopt the child they feel they are best able to parent. I don't judge people who prefer to adopt a same race child because they probably know what is best for their family.

    My daughter is mixed race, but surprisingly enough she looks like should could be the bio child to my husband and I since we are different races. I get comments about how people can tell she's half indian... umm, she's not.

  5. i did

  6. I would think some do. I have a friend who’s Aunt and Uncle adopted from Russia because they wanted a white child. They had been trying to adopt domestically for about 8 years.  I don’t think everyone does because you just looked at the country where non-white children are like Asian countries/south American countrie/Africa etc.

    A lot of Americans adopt from China and again majorities are white couples doing the adopting.  You can also flip that around there are a lot of (white) Canadians and UK couples who are now adopting American minority children.  

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