
Do many Americans really fear a minority [African American, Hispanic and Asian] can become president?

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Or a women? It looks like for the way many here treats Mr. Barak Obama, and we see very few minorities and women among conservative republicans. Any wonder that I used to joke that Barney Rubble will vote democrat, and Fred Flinstones will vote republican? It may sound ridiculous but something tells me there are some truths we don't want to face. Me? If Buckwheat were to run and shows he can handle the problems of this country well, I'll vote for him. Feedback, please.




  1. Not educated Americans.  The only reason to not vote for the candidate is because of the policies he wants to enact.  Socialized medicine, higher taxes, de structuring the military and NASA, just to name a few.  Any time there are minorities in the conservative movement, they are belittled and ridiculed by their own race as being a puppet for the white man.  Conde Rice wants to be the next NFL commissioner, not the next President of The United States.

  2. Of course there are some Americans who are prejudiced, but I think the majority are open minded and fairly non-biased.  

    If you are looking for prejudice in America I think there is a lot more religious prejudice than ethnic or gender prejudice.  What do I base this on?  Look at Mitt Romney's run for the republican presidential nomination.  As hard as it was for him to get the support of the Christian right because he is Mormon, he would have had even more of a hard time had he been a Scientologist or a Muslim.  

  3. well my opinion is not race that is the whole problem I think it  change who is running the country Old people or the Young people.And the conservatives is considered the white party and one time on MSNBC this guy said " Democrats need to stop image politics" But then you have to think,how many black people, minorities or women s=do see on the Republican side.  

  4. I don't believe the American people fear a minority becoming President, it's just the news media that "tell tales" that everyone sees as the truth.  It is the politicans & news media that create racial divide in this country.  IMO

  5. Not really. We know that it cannot actually happen. It won't be allowed.  

  6. It seems so.

  7. When most people think of president. A mental image of a middle aged, white, male comes to mind.

    I myself would not have a problem

    voting for a person of different race.

    or even a woman.

    i just dont' see anybody in this election

    that i favor all that much.

    or really stand out for me.

    This election could be a big breakthough.

    and if soo...

    may invite room for other minorities

    into high positions.

    The older american might be stereotypical

    and may dislike having a president not white or male.

    they think "old-school" and have to

    live in the new generation.

    I myself am not old enough to vote quite yet

    or really have an interest of doing so.

    I dont' care much for politics and unless

    i really liked a certain person, i rather not vote at all.

    I don't want to base my vote on "the lesser of two evils"

    so to speak

    and its' a shame how some people vote can be based upon stupid factors.

  8. I don't care about Obama's ancestors; I fear his unquestioned popularity. Televised news shows cover him nonstop, and they have yet to seriously mention any of his flaws.

    But what really scares me about him is that some people will vote for him only because he's black, or because he's young, or because he's a democrat. They know nothing about his history, his policies, or his personality - but they will still vote for him.

  9. sadly, it seems as though many do.    

  10. I'm white..And I was hoping Condi Rice would have run..She would have had my vote..

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