
Do many Europeans still truly believe that EVERY American is stupid?

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I've always wanted to study abroad during college, but I was disheartened by one of my friends who recently traveled to Spain and was treated poorly by several of the residents. I know my geography and I am not ignorant about current events. And I NEVER liked Bush. Since he was a candidate before I was of legal age to vote, I begged my parents to vote for Al Gore (lesser of two evils, I said) and I begged them to vote for John Kerry (lesser of two evils, again).

So if I ever get the opportunity to visit another country, should I expect to be treated like a moron at every turn, or will I be treated with the same amount of respect I give to every person I meet?




  1. You can't really blame the international community for having a not-so good impression of America right now.

    For example:

    All we see of Iran is Iran's president...CRAZY (Most Americans think Iran is something its really really not)

    All the world sees of America is Bush and War in Iraq.....DUMBAS$

    You can see how they might feel that way....

    As long as you don't try to wave your flag all day and put on the America is better than everybody attitude, you should be fine.

  2. I participate on the German side of Y!Answer (Clever). The comments about Americans are not favorable, sometimes very ignorant!

    Next year, hopefully, respect for our country will be restored and you can study abroad without hesitations.

  3. Don't let anything discourage you from studying abroad. People will always judge you and make assumptions. If they think that all Americans are stupid because of the way media portrays them, it only speaks of their ignorance. It's just another stereotype, don't let it get to you.

  4. You'd be ok in Ireland anyway.

    I can vouch for that. I work at a university and we have a number of American students.

    I'm not aware of any problems they've experienced.

  5. Hi. I say, go ahead and study abroad. You'll most likely be treated with respect. I mean, Europeans aren't as friendly as Americans are. They're more reserved, so it seems like they're being rude to you. I stayed in France for a bit, and before I went, I was worried since I've heard so many stories of Parisians spitting on Americans for simply being American, etc. But when I went there, everything was fine! I had a great time!

    You shouldn't be worried about them, you should be worried for them. That is, if they are stupid enough to believe the stereotypes and what they see on TV. poor things :/

    It kinda bugs when people go on about the "Ugly American". Recently I read an article about a worldwide survey asking to score tourists from different countries, and Americans were in the middle, while the French and Chinese scored the lowest! Also, America may be "fat" but Australia is now the fattest. But of course, you don't hear any of that stuff. It's always people complaining about Americans. In fact, when I went to Paris, there was this really large and annoying group of Italians who loudly sang the Italian national anthem as they walked away from the Musée D'Orsay. !!   oh and by the way, does anyone really wear a Canadian flag just to hide being American? It's certainly not necessary. The truth is, they don't care, and they really don't hate America as you may think. They'll respect you if you respect them, you know? They listen to American music, watch American movies, tv shows, eat at McDonald's, etc. I have several French friends who love Americans. So, don't worry. If they really believe all Americans are stupid, then it only shows that they're the stupid ones. And you should feel sorry for them, not try to hide your American-ness. :)

    I hope I helped, and sorry if any of this came out rude...

  6. Sadly that is how most of your country men are perceived, as upon traveling its the loudest, most ignorant foreigner who is most remembered and if he happens to be from the states, there's your starting point. Also, the media doesn't do you well either. They tend to find trailer trash to glorify as an example of your regular, every day American. Then of course there's your president.......He makes America look bad every time he opens his mouth. When you decide to visit another country, do as many other Americans do and wear a Canadian flag somewhere on your person.

    *Nevermind---> No one from the Americas care if people from the States refer to themselves as Americans, as we do not wish to call ourselves that. I prefer to call my self a Canadian. Besides, United Statians just sounds ridiculous. But the rest of your post was spot on.

  7. I am an American and I live in Europe 6 months per year for 8 years now.

    I never have any problems.

    I hang with my husband most of the time in public and he is a local so maybe that helps.

    I do go out myself to the stores and to a ladies health club, everyone treats me normal, Europeans are rather reserved so of course they don't talk to strangers much but nobody goes out of their way to bother me.

    Study abroad if you can, what have you got to lose.You may find some new friends.

    Just don't talk about the US like it is the best or put down the other countries.

  8. Not EVERY person of the US  but a very LARGE majority YES...and when i say "person of the US" is precisely for that...thats the first stupidity americans do call themselves americans and believe that america is a country AMERICA IS NOT A COUNTRY IT IS A CONTINENT therefore Canadians,Mexicans,Cubans,Venezuelans,Ar... etc etc are AMERICANS AS WELL...

  9. not all, but people in the U.S. in general simply seem to be much less critical and tend not to understand the implications of their actions for themselves and the rest of the world as well. From what you've written, you seem to be very open and not at all the stereotypical American. Regardless of what ANYONE thinks, I would go abroad if I were you. It's a terrific experience for anyone in my opinion, and you'll become more worldly in your views and probably pick up a language to boot. I'm sure you'll run into some problems as an American, but that's normal.

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