
Do many atheists use the "no evidence" excuse for saying there so no God as a crutch?

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if God exists then unicorns and the like must exist too...if unicorns existed wouldn't we find bones we don't find no evidence makes sense...but it doesn't make sense with other gods...then they tend to believe you must worship every god if one god exists...instead of actually finding one you agree with and going with do they use it as a crutch...




  1. Lack of evidence is not why I don't believe in gods.

    It's because every god I've ever seen described has been proven to be a myth.

  2. Your question makes no sense.  Do people use the Bible as a crutch since that is their only reason God exists?

    I hope that made as much sense to you as your question did to me

  3. I am an atheist myself, and I use that excuse as well. BUT, I also say that "if God exists, who created him?" That ALWAYS stumps people.

  4. What advantage would I gain by claiming I don't believe in God if I actually did believe?

    You see, there is no possible motive that could cause me to display such behavior.

  5. a crutch. A crutch ? For what ? For not having to do fresh thinking ? Well, the thing is that atheists have to hear the same stuff from Christians all the time. If you come up with fresh thoughtfull stuff you might get fresh thoughtfull answers but if I'm going to hear "prove there is no God" twenty times a day , ok , two times a day, then I'm not going to bother with exciting new lines of thought each and every time. Also, if something works you stick with it. How many times will I have to deal with 'Stalin killed millions' before dying of carpal tunnel syndrome? You use it b/c it's one of your better arguments. And the thing is that atheists come up with all sorts of thinking as do theists. The fact that I happen to disagree with almost everything theists say doesn't mean they're not saying different things and if you guys come up with something I find valid I will listen. I have before.  

  6. okay your not making much sense but, I can tell you that many things from the bible and have been proven--and you have to have faith to believe in God.  Think that's the difference between atheists & christians--faith~

  7. We don't need a crutch-- you prove God exists and when you prove it beyond doubt I will believe with you. Until then I excercise my right to my own religion or lack thereof.

    God has nothing to do with unicorns be real. Unicorns could have existed and in northern Africa they have animals that look like unicorns- they simply have smaller horns. So -- do you even have that much proof- no.

  8. Unicorn bones turn to dust when they die.

    Prove me wrong.

    If there is no evidence for unicorns, how come so many people in the world know what they are.

    You claim a particular god - you provide the evidence.  The Abrahamic deity is contradictory and is incompatible with the universe as it is observed.  If you want to claim it is real you need to address these flaws with something better than 'because I say so.'

  9. Are you asking if it's a crutch to not believe in things that can't be supported by evidence?

    Uh, no.

  10. Most who say there is no God are merely using other excuses to mask their true reason; namely, they simply do not want to believe.

  11. We have a high standard of evidence. That is not a crutch. It seems to me that depending on something that is improbable and unsubstantiated is far more of a "crutch."

  12. Demanding evidence to support a belief or assertion is hardly a "crutch."  Most people would describe it as "reasonable."

  13. so you are saying god exists because we don't find god's bones? And given the wide variety of postulated gods, you just pick and chose whichever you want?

    Not quite sure where the crutch comes in. Miracle healing?

    Sorry, could you please clarify this? You might as well have written that in Ainu.

  14. The "no evidence" is their main argument, yes.

  15. Your faulty logic is matched only by your deplorable grammar.

    Finding out the one I agree with?

    So rather than looking for any evidence of the existence of a god to find out if it is real and worthy of worship, you are suggesting that we just pick the one we like best and pretend we believe in it exempting all others?

    If that is what you are saying, you're an atheist too. You just don't know it yet.

    EDIT: I re-read this question again looking for some sense and I found none. In what way could you possibly imagine atheism to be a crutch? I'm not leaning on it for anything. I simply do not believe in your god or anyone else's.

  16.                                                                                                                      Sad isn"t it ? Jesus Christ is the creator and one true God. This world was created for him and by him and without him nothing would exist.

  17. I agree with the 3rd answer.

  18. Why? We find no bones of unicorns so it makes sense that they don't exist but that doesn't apply to other gods?????  What?

    No actually, I say there is no evidence ...

    because there is no evidence, period...

    You show me evidence and I'll believe but not if you're going to say "look at the trees, there must be a god, or because the Bible says so... that is NOT evidence to me. It may be OK for you, but not me...

    And no Fireball, it's not so I can go out and be a bad person...

  19. see, the problem is that if there is a god, then there needs to be some evidence, that's not a crutch, that's called logic

  20. This is by far the worst strawman I have ever seen.  Look at the poor thing, its stuffing's all fallen out. Where, pray tell is the quality craftsmanship we've come to expect?

  21. A crutch for WHAT?!?!?!

    How exactly is "there is no God" a crutch for anything?  

  22. You're confusing atheist, agnostic and religious context.

    Basically in my view many Christian's esp Evangelicals, ask (or simply demand) everyone lives like them. That they have the knoweledge and that it should be followed. In that sense the onus is not only on them to prove God exists but that they are correct in their belief. In that sense if you want me to follow your religion then yes, the burden of proof is on you.

    Agnostic of course do not say there is no God but that in the balance of probiblity there is no God and that it would take proof the convince them. In that then yes, asking for evidence is a crutch.

    An atheist woudl say that you can't prove it. That the overwhelming evidence points to the fact there is no God and that you can't proove it. In that regard it is not so much that they ask for evidence but say that there is no God and that a belief system is not proof hence all the unicorn stuff.

  23. Burden of proof...

    "they tend to believe you must worship every god if one god exists"

    I'm pretty sure you have the wrong definition of atheist.

  24. Show me some evidence of God and I'll believe in a God. As of yet, there is none.


  25. Man created God.

    What do i trust? A book of stories or scientific fact?

    I refuse to be brainwashed, there is no evidence of God and until he comes and speaks to me personally i will remain an Atheist.

  26. Why do you believe in god? You just have faith right? Well I don't. I just don't believe he exists and all of the questions like this in the world won't make me change my mind. Why do some people believe they can just say "Jesus is real and he loves you" and atheists will just be like "Oh, I see, he does love me. Hallelujah!" It's not a crutch. You believe you know god does exist and I know he doesn't. It's not a crutch it's just the truth. If you believe in god good for you but some people don't, suck it up. I believe 5 day old meatloaf makes a d**n fine sandwich but that doesn't mean everyone who disagrees with me is wrong does it?  

  27. Why would you worship a god whom you 'agree with'?

    The only kind of god worth worshipping is one who is real. (Whether he agrees with you or not).

  28. Do many atheists use the "no evidence" excuse for saying there so no God as a crutch?

    -- In what sense? As a crutch for what?

    if God exists then unicorns and the like must exist too

    -- wrong

    "if unicorns existed wouldn't we find bones"

    --not necessarily

    "then they tend to believe you must worship every god if one god exists"

    -- you should worship no god.

  29. It took me a second to figure out what you meant.  I'm still not sure I have it.  So basically you're arguing that atheists find it too bothersome to go through the trouble of finding a god/ religion we agree with, so we revert to atheism because that's easier?  Did I get your question right?

    The answer is no.  Most of us don't believe that a being like God is possible.  It's not a matter of finding the "right" god; we consider the very concept of God to be problematic.    

  30. "but it doesn't make sense with other gods"

    So you are either arguing that other gods have evidence, or that other gods are immune from requiring evidence before belief. Which is it?

    "then they tend to believe you must worship every god if one god exists"

    Huh. You don't actually talk with atheists do you?

  31. >>>>so no evidence makes sense.<<<<

    Actually, none of your arguments today have yet to make sense

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