
Do many old men/women have a fear of death?

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Do many old men/women have a fear of death?




  1. death and dying is big fear for older adults. there is a lot of information on hoe to help someone deal with death and dying. i have worked in the health feild for 13 years.. and have been with a lot of people when they die

  2. That country song comes to mind "I aint afraid of dying.  It's the thought of being dead."  I think for many people it's the other way around.  If they believe there's life after death, and they're right with God, then they're not so much afraid of death, but of what they might have to suffer through to get there.  Also, it really seems to depend if their spouse and close friends are still living.  I've seen several people's fear of death all but disappear once they've seen their best friend in life laid to rest.

  3. **Dying is another adventure**

    I don't think many fear death.

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