
Do many uk families home school?

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Do many uk families home school?




  1. Yes more each year.I'm being home schooled

  2. The HSLDA reports that there are somewhere between 20,000 and 100,00 homeschoolers in the UK.  I think it would be hard to keep track of them, since they are not required to register with their school districts unless their children have special needs or were previously enrolled in a government school.

    From what I have read, there is a lot of homeschooling freedom in the UK, as it should be everywhere.

  3. I don't think so - too many parents are both working but I think that the number is growing.

  4. When I started having a home tutor, home schooling wasn't very well known, and that was 5 years ago.

    I only found out about home schooling from a teenagers magazine, but maybe more people are doing it now.

    I think more children go to school then being taught at home.

  5. Plenty do.

  6. Wot u maen?

  7. Yes and the number is growing, we enjoy it this way and have done for 4 years now. People usually are suprised some even terrified by the idea mostly because they do not understand.....

  8. I live in the uk, I'm 17, and me and my brother and 3 sisters have been home schooled our whole lives. There are quite a few home-schooling families out there, and I think the numbers are growing. My mum gets phonecalls from various freinds of ours asking about it because they want to take their kids out of school too.

    There is a sorta' club for families who homeschool called Education otherwise. They have educational outings for the whole family and it's a great way to get to know people in your area who are homeschooling. This is the website:

  9. One figure I read recently put the number at 50,000 registered families (and who knows the number of unregistered homeschoolers).

    I also read that the number of registered homeschoolers in England has increased by 200% in the last couple of years.

    Edit: I just found the following info while googling UK home education: "Research by Durham University puts the number of home-educated children at 150,000 (or 1% of the 5-16 population) and predicts that, at present growth rates, it will reach 3% within the next decade".

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