
Do martians have two sexes... like we do?

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Do martians have two sexes... like we do?




  1. Uhm, martians are not real. At least, not proven to be.

    So, I guess fictitious martians could be whatever you want them to be.

  2. no, we have three sexes. we call them parental, emotional and rational, after some aliens we met from an alternate universe who also had three sexes.

  3. Since there are no Martians, that question has no answer.

  4. If you expand the definition of "Martian" to mean "any possible life on Mars", and "we" to mean "all life on Earth" then:

    A) no life has yet been discovered on Mars, but who knows what we might find, and

    B) what makes you think all of "us" (all life on Earth) have two sexes, hmm? Google "asexual reproduction" and you may learn something.

  5. Sadly, Martians have no s*x at all.

  6. I HAVE TWO SEXES ???!!!  I thought I only had ONE.  You mean, all this time I've been ... oh, never mind.

  7. I would have to say "yes" as some people think we are either descendants of theirs or they created us. So, in other words, as we have 2 sexes you have to assume they also also have 2 sexes as well.

    Cheers !

  8. Didn't you get the memo? There isn't any life on Mars. The only possibility is bacterial life, and even that isn't likely. And bacteria don't have a s*x. They reproduce asexually first of all, and second they have no sexual organs.

  9. There are no martians. No native life forms of any kind have been detected on Mars and there is very little reason to believe that any exists. If it does exist, it will almost certainly be microscopic but those microscopic organisms could well have developed sexual reproduction. If so, they will probably either have one hermaphroditic gender or two genders like us; more than two genders isn't really worthwhile from an evolutionary standpoint, and organisms of that sort would probably just die out.

  10. I'll take your "martians" as "alien life forms" to get to a point instead of avoiding to answer.

    The answer to this is a mixture of logic thinking and observing. Although there are asexual life forms, the higher ones have two sexes. This is because of the mixing of genes, to keep changing. These life forms don't copy themselves, they mix their genetic abilities with the chance of creating something new, a being with slightly superior skills, so over time evolution brings forth an intelligent race.

    So if there are intelligent aliens on other planets, it is likely to assume that they evolved from simple to complex to intelligent life forms. This is only possible through poly-sexual procreation (as i explained above).

    But there is one question: can't it be that these aliens have MORE than two sexes. This is possible, though very unlikely, because evolution is always using the simplest and/or best working adaption to a certain environment, and three sexes are complex,  life forms would have more trouble to procreate with three sexes than with just two. The species with two sexes will procreate faster.

    So, i can assume, even without knowing anything of other planets, that an intelligent race is very likely to have two sexes.

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