
Do meat-eaters f**t more than vegetarians?

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It's a big issue at the moment.




  1. I've always understood that changes of diet are very much responsible for an increase in flatulence -- specifically that any foods that the natural bacteria in your gut are not used to having to "break up" will be therefore handled less efficiently resulting in an increase in gas production

    specifically digestion involving "anaerobic bacteria" = more flatulence; while digestion involving "aerobic bacteria" = less

  2. LOL!

    Vegetables make you f**t - especially broccoli and cabbage!!

    So yeah, I think vegetarians f**t more than meat eaters since we eat more vegetables. :)

    Interesting question btw.. *star*

  3. I wouldn't think so.

    My co-workers are pretty 'vocal' about announcing their farts (luckily work outdoors) and they certainly f**t more than I do (I'm vegan).  But occasionally, depending on what I eat that day or how my mean digests, I could f**t right along side of them.  Joy!

  4. I do my best and smelliest farting on beans, peas or broccoli

  5. hmm..well veggies tend to eata lot of beans...

  6. No, it is the other way around...but meat eaters are constipated more...

  7. i would think that the veggie eaters would f**t more. vegetables are loaded with all that stuff that makes people gassy. when my mom eats broccoli, you dont even wanna know.

  8. Vegans tend to have more frequent bowel activity. This is understandable, because meat can take up to three days to be processed and leave the body. Plants take a lot less time to be process. From what I've heard, vegetarians and vegans smell a lot less than meat-eaters though ;)

  9. There's too much variety in either diet to say so.  Some veggies like cabbage will give you horrific gas, and foods like eggs will have a similar effect. I don't associate eating more meat with more gas myself.

    Gas is caused by poorly digested foods.  They are normally processed in the small intesting but incomplete foods are processed in the large intestine by the bacteria that cause gas.  Many raw foods are hard to digest.  If you eat large meals, you will probably have more gas.  Beans have some complex sugars that are hard to break down so they can cause gas.  I think uncooked meat may cause gas...

  10. Veggies and such do make you f**t if not eaten in balance.

  11. no, but the smell is worse

  12. Vegetarians f**t more.

  13. No, veggies gives off more gas than meat.

  14. lol thats so wrong!All I know as a vegetarian we still have gas bui;d up because of eating beans and the like it depends on the person and how they digest there foods

  15. Yes if they eat more but generally, vegetarians do. Plant foods are the most common culprits  of "butt burps" but since omnis eat vegetables too, they are just as susceptible to gassing the air and those around them

  16. Vegetarians f**t more the Meat eaters but Meat eaters's farts smell worse than Vegetarians.

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