
Do men and women 'need' each other?

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Do men and women 'need' each other?




  1. They dont.

    Marriage is not a compulsory thing in Islam,its optional.

    Therefore, its possible for someone to live without a partner.But its recommended for those who fear they will commit Zinah.Otherwise its just a Sunnah.

    Sheikh `Abd al-Fattâh Abû Ghuddah discusses the lives of a number of famous scholars who never married in his book al-`Ulmâ’ al-A`zâb (The Bachelor Scholars – first edition published by Maktabah al-Rushd). The following scholars are among those he mentions:

    1. `Abd Allah b. Abî Najîh: one of the leading and most prolific commentators of the Qur’ân.

    2. Bishr b. al-Hârith al-Hâfî: the famous ascetic.

    3. Muhammad b. Jarîr al-Tabarî: the most prominent of all Qur’ân commentators, the author of Jâmi` al-Bayân better known as Tafsîr al-Tabarî.

    4. al-Zamakhsharî: the famous scholars of Arabic grammar and rhetoric and the author of the commentary on the Qur’ân entitled al-Kashshâf.

    5. Hanâ’ b. al-Sirrî: the famous scholar and ascetic, author of Kitâb al-Zuhd.

    6. Abû `Alî al-Qârî: a leading scholar of the Arabic language

    7. Abû Sa`d al-Sam`ânî: the author of al-Ansâb, the famous work on genealogy.

    8. Al-Nawawî: the leading scholar of Shâfi`î Law, the author of al-Minhâj, a commentary on Sahîh Muslim and of the hadîth compilation Riyâd al-Sâlihîn.

    Muslim pious woman who never married:

    1. Umm Shurayk: A woman from Banî `Âmir b. Lu’ay who granted herself to the Prophet (peace be upon him) but he did not accept her. She did not marry until she died. Her name is Ghaziyyah bint Hakîm. She was a pious woman. [al-Bidâyah wa al-Nihâyah (5/302)]

    2. Umm `Abd Allah bint `Abd Allah b. Ja`far b. Abî Tâlib: Her mother was Zaynab bint `Alî b. Abî Tâlib. Al-Zubayrî mentions her in Nasab Quraysh (page 83). He said that she never married.

    3. Umm al-Kirâm bint Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hâtim al-Murwaziyyah: She spent her life in Mecca. She was a good writer and a scholar. She was a student of Muhammad b. Makkî al-Kashmihînî and she used to write with exceptional accuracy. She taught the Sahîh hadîth compilations several times. She was virgin and never married. She lived a long time and her chain of hadîth transmission was highly honored. She died in 465H.

    [Siyar A`lâm al-Nubalâ’ (18/233)]

    4. Umm `Abd Allah Habîbah bint al-Khatîb `Iz al-Dîn Ibrâhîm b. `Abd Allah b. Abî `Umar al-Maqdasiyyah: She was a righteous and pious female sheikh. She died at the age of 91 years old. She never married. She narrated from Ibn `Abd al-Dâyim and others. In the year 654 AH, she was conferred with the authorization to teach by Muhammad b. `Abd al-Hâdî, Ibn al-Surûrî, Ibn `Awwah and others. She was a black woman. [Al-`Ibar (1/305)]

    5. Umm `Abd Allah Fâtimah bint Sulaymân b. `Abd al-Karîm al-Ansârî: She died in Rabî al-Thânî 708H in Damascus when she was in her nineties. Shee learned from al-Musallam al-Mâzinî, Karîmah and Ibn Rawâhah. She earned her authorization to teach from al-Fath, Ibn `Afîjah and others. She was pious and narrated many hadîth and was the sole narrator of some. She never married. [al-`Ibar (1/270)

    6. Atamm al-Rajâ’, the Preacher: She was a pious woman who used to be a preacher for women in Baghdâd. She died as a virgin and never married. She was known as Ibnat al-Dabbâs. She had a seminary in al-Rayâhîn.

    She had studied under Abû al-Hasan `Ali b. Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-`Allâf. Her uncle was al-Mubârak b. Fâkhir b. Ya`qûb b. al-Dabbâs al-Nahawî . `Abd al-Wahhâb b. `Ali al-Amîn was one of her students. She lived eighty years. She died in 558H. [al-Wâfî bi al-Wifâyât (1/1465)]

    7. Hâtûn, daughter if the pious king, Ismâ`îl b. al-`Âdil b. Abî Bakr b. Ayûb b. Shâdî: She was a great stateswoman who never married. No one of the tribe of Ayûb enjoyed a similar rank to hers. She died on Thursday, the twenty-first of Sha`bân in the year 723 and she was buried in the graveyard of Umm Sâlih. [al-Bidâyah wa al-Nihâyah (14/108)]

    8. Nawâb Zayn al-Nisâ’ Bîkum, the pious queen: She was the daughter of Sultan Muhyî al-Dîn Orank, considered by some to be the greatest and most honorable king of India. She was born on the tenth of Shawwâl in 1048AH. She grew up in the grace of her father and memorized the Qur’ân by heart. She studied under Sheikh Ahmad b. Sa`îd al-Hanafî and other eminent scholars. She also learnt poetry and literary composition from Sheikh Muhammad b. Sa`îd al-Mâzindrânî.

  2. Allah  made them for each other

    Adam and eve

  3. Yes

  4. yes of course.  That is how Allah swt created us.

  5. Well I don't be more specific like how do they need eachother? Im confusedd

  6. the same answer as to the same question: yes women and men bot NEED eachother!

  7. UNFORTUNATELY YES.....they do need each other.

    But i really think men need women wayy more than women need men!

    Thank you muslim sis. Us girls know its true. soo obvious ; )

  8. Some do...........Some don't.

  9. You can't live with them. You can't live without them.

  10. sure they do  

  11. They REALLY want eachother

  12. Yes.  We compliment each other and were made to be together.  God said husband and wife become one.  

  13. They do to reproduce

  14. its funny how i thought leboneez t**z aka the "rude and obnoxious" person who leaves rude comments was a girl...d**n i didnt kno u were a guy. u must be one g*y atheist kid.

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