
Do men and women's grocery/store list differ?

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What's on yours?




  1. Considering I like to look at cookbooks, I buy what I need to make the recipe. The wife also gives me a list that must be fulfilled. I do get distracted by those but one get one free offers, those are my weak spot.

  2. Yeah, ours do differ if left to our own devices. We live way out in the country plus I don't like grocery shopping, so, I tend to overdo in purchases. I don't want to have to make another stop for two weeks. I tend to put everything on the list, even items that we 'may' run out of in the next few days. Hubby likes to run back and forth to store to do all the shopping. That would make me nuts. [lol]

    Hubby is an excellent cook too. I'm a good cleaner-upper, so, that's my job. It works for us. :o) ♥ ∞

  3. that study that come out a few months ago, that explained the reason women live longer then men is do to eating habits would support that there is a huge difference in shopping list.

    on you really want me to list it? 0.o

  4. Oat Meal








    Pasta Sauce

    Baby Food


    Baby Dragon

    Edit- By the way, I can make a Grocery list and stick with it, not all men are that way

    Especialy since i have to carry it home from the store...

  5. My husband is much more organised than I am and tends to make lists and think out what he wants before he goes.  I just drift around the shops buying anything that takes my fancy.

  6. Milk, bananas, and cereal  for breakfast, frozed vegetables, fruit, pieces of meat, mostly.

  7. When I shop we get fruit and veg and milk.  We get eggs and cereal and cheese and yogurt.  We get fish and chicken and steak.  We get coffee and tea and juice.  We also get a box of beer and a bottle of wine.

    When he shops we get beer and cow....and not even great cuts of cow...just whatever's on sale.  Then he tries to figure out why it's like an old shoe when it's cooked. HA HA HA!

  8. Not really.

    Men's grocery lists are mostly what their woman lists for them....

    Men usually just go to the grocery store and grab whatever....They don't like to make lists.

  9. I think so. My boyfriend goes into the store with the following list (and this is a week's worth of groceries in his mind, I kid you not):

    -sour cream

    -ruffled potato chips




    -cheese slices

    ...And that's all he'll come home with. Sometimes he has a steak somewhere in there too. My lists have lots of veggies and fruits on them, I include everything I feel is necessary like bread, milk and eggs. I'm not saying every man is incapable of grocery shopping, but mine sure is.

  10. Oh yeah.  His are usually snacks and such, so I usually make the regular list and then hand it to him to add to it anything he wants that I may have forgotten.

    If it were up to him we'd eat Carl's Jr. every night lol.

    Dunno if it's men or just him, but I can't take him to the store with me if we're on a budget either cause he just fills the cart every time I turn around with c**p we don't need and can't afford and I'm constantly having to put stuff back on the shelves lol, it's just easier if I go by myself.

  11. Mine currently



    fresh veggies




    pasta sauce


    My husbands if he was home would be the same, because IO write it out for him. Minus the tofu he wont touch that stuff as he calls it.

  12. I like quick meals, my boyfriend likes to cook elaborate, ( by my standards) meals. So I would say our lists are similar, with his having more unprocessed items.

    I have a veggie garden, so we both both buy more meat and pastas, and fruit, than vegetables.

    We're uneven on the toiletries purchases. He buys more shampoos, conditioners, and lotions. He can't resist a sale.

    lol, I must have 5 different shampoos in my closet right now.

  13. generally speaking very big difference

    log of hamburger meat

    fish fillets or ckicken

    4 cans of veggies

    spaghetti stuff

    mac & cheese, stuffing

    breakfast croissants

    12 pack of beer

  14. Much less is the difference for me. If I go shopping with my husband I generally spend about 20 mintues more because he wants everything he sees.

    Also, he buys individual food without thinking how it's going to be used as a meal so we tend to get more stuff but end up wasting it.

  15. bread, milk, eggs, pasta, rice, pizza, carrots, broccoli, peppers, onions, sweetcorn, any other veggies i like the look of, salad, apples, oranges, strawberries, juice, beer, wine, bacon, chicken, fish, cheese, crisps, nuts, breakfast cereal, baked beans, cans of soup

    something like that

  16. Only in terms of toiletries, usually. Also, my dad likes Bran Buds, and my mom prefers Muslix.

    My list includes:

    skim milk, part-skim extra-sharp cheddar cheese, margarine, rye bread, bagels, Special K, macaroni, tuna fish, chicken b*****s, turkey cutlets, salmon fillets, lettuce, potatoes, green apples, green grapes, strawberries, tangerines, vanilla coffee, cocoa powder, sweetener, and assorted seasonings and baking ingredients . . . to name a few.

  17. Yes, I think if a man makes a shopping list with out any help

    from his mate then it's much different than the lady of the house would make.  

    I don't have a list made out, but a turkey will be on it. I am having 14 people in for dinner next Saturday and a turkey will feed a lot of people, plus everyone love the dressing , gravy etc.  I haven't thought as far as the rest of the list. Wish me luck.

  18. Kiwi all the time.

    Fish, shrimp, and clams.

    red meat.


    Salad stuff.


    Lot of veggies. Squash is my favorite though.

    Frozen yogurt. (Eddy's slow churned peach is the best OMG)




    2% milk




    Turkey, roast beef, and canadian bacon.


    I also look around to see what I want but this is stuff I almost always have.

    oh oops I forgot to actually answer. My boyfriend will usually buy stuff like Ramen noodles, microwave popcorn and frozen dinners. He'll occasionally get me stuff that I love but never buy, like cheesecake. He likes, enjoys and appreciates the stuff I buy, but I usually end up getting stuff that has to be prepared. He gets stuff thats ready NOW. Lol

  19. We mostly draw it up together, but I'm sure it changes a little depending on who gets it.

    I notice that most of the women I've lived with like to buy soda and dried fruit.

    Like Robert G, I stick to the list, for me because I make a food budget and I stick to that.

  20. I never let my husband do the groceries.  When he does, he comes home with a bunch of boxed freezer garbage that I don't allow my daughter (or myself) to eat.

    I get lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh fish, whatever...I love to cook.


  21. (i'm a women) my list would consist of grocery items that are needed for the weeks meals, plus some fruit for snacks. that's about extra things like chips. but i do put crackers and soda on the list.

  22. So far on mine, I have:






    Shredded cheese


    1-2 frozen meals*


    *General staples on my list.  Variety changes if a specific meal is desired or whatever strikes my fancy at the store that I might want.

  23. Milk, eggs, cheese, sour cream, ground beef, top round for roast, pork chops, brats, chicken, belle peppers, onions, potatos, lettuce, cucumber, tomatos, tomato sauce, apples, oranges, watermelon, flour, fish fry,  rice, spaghetti, soft drinks, apple juice, kool-aid, cereal, taco seasoning, tortilla shells, salsa, BBQ sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and other various spices and condiments as needed, chicken helper for lazy days, Charcoal and lighter fluid (it's summer), and beer

    believe it or not no one in my house is fat either...go figure

  24. Oh heck yea, we eat differently.

    Women for example like foods that taste like perfume or wax or medicine..(naw, I dont have examples, I just remember noticing, you pick weird flavors)  everything's all light, and light!

    So cookies, for instance, some women explained for me what kinds are women's cookies, and which are the type that men will automatically grab if you send them to get them

    (Man cookies--> chocolate chip, chocolate pinwheel, oreos

    (Woman cookies--> vanilla and lemon (and strange choices of flavor..and even then -->with a light texture , so called 'crisps" or 'wafers' or 'thins'((we would never pick that! we want somethoing loaded with fat and sugar and chocolate! we want a cookie! not a ...delicate experience! ;)

    A man left to feed himself will fill his freezer with microwaveable pizzas and frozen entrees...none of which will be the money trashing idea called "weight watchers" or "lean cuisine" (wtf)

    He'll also make an art out of the peanut butter and preserve sandwich...and become adept at the selection and proper preparations of bowls of cereal.

    These too will differ(cereals) . A mans will have have body to them, not light  delicate fragranty vagueness, as a womanh will go for.

    It's terrible being alone. I can bake you muffins that would surprise you. I can make you braised meat and a souffle etcetera for dinner, a home made vegetable soup, stews, roast beef and yorkshire pudding, I can truly cook.

    But if theres no one but me, I'm not gonna do it.

    All my vegetables are now canned.

    I previously thougfht that was as close to "sin" as something could actually be.(considering that fresh need only be boiled wtf...but nope! wont do it.

    I make toast. lol

    I send for a pizza, as if its a plea for help from a young person who must bring me dinner, or I'll not even have any.

    And women dont do that

    Women buy yogurt, and all kinds of things that keep them trim and other things i dont want too much information about!

    I dont buy yogurt

    I dont recognize it as a food type.

    I dont even know what its made of!

    And it's so light, once done with it, I'd have to go find something to eat!

    Even our breads differ...

    Its all light versus heavy really.

  25. I haven't been in a grocery store for almost ten years and I just went to one two nights ago for the first time.  They haven't changed at all.  I was surprised.  Everything's the same.  On my grocery store list this morning for when the guys headed out to do their daily shopping, I added: Canning pectin for my moss, ear mite medicine for my cats, a black ink cartridge for the printer, a package of cat toy balls for a new stray cat who has joined the household (that's why there are ear mites in the household), more yeast, nitro tabs, AAA batteries,  and hair oil treatment.  If I write food stuff on the list they just ignore it.  The are nurtitional fascists.  When I was married and raising children, my grocery lists were organized by food group.  My husband's lists were organized by packaging, glass jar stuff, boxed stuff (cereals, cake mixes, etc.), bag stuff (spaghetti, beans, flour), jug stuff (oil, milk), canned stuff. I grew the veggie stuff.

  26. Men are NOT usually asked to grocery shop. Thus, the women must make a grocery list and tell them that they must use it. Then you will have everything necessary for excellent meal planning. Peace!

  27. I dont believe men write grocery lists.

  28. Actually, I don't really make a list...

    I get organic veggies from a local farm so I just take whatever's in the basket.

    The rest of the time when I do groceries with my bf we just take off on a whim together and decide together when we're there based on what we feel like and the meal we're trying to put together.

    We're both really into fresh fruits and veggies and don't like eating out of a box.

  29. They definitely differ.

    I don't make lists. I don't really have to.

  30. I have no clue. I usually get pizzas, bread, cheese, lunch meat (ham or salami), tortilla chips, jalapeno cheese dip, ice cream, and the rest is see it, like it, buy it.

  31. My husband will go to the store if I make him a list,otherwise he is lost.

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