
Do men dislike men who are considered good looking?

by Guest62320  |  earlier

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This happens often with us women but is the same true for men?




  1. No. But the younger ones do show jealousy towards good looking men.

  2. Not really, every man thinks they are the ****.

  3. Well im sure the ''good looking'' men dont care about other good looking ones because they are all ready to wrapped up in themselves to even notice one.

    But yes, my guy friend who is your average joe can feel insecure when good looking guys come by. You can just tell that my friend has that "i know im not good enough '' look in him...just like girls do.  

  4. nope, why would we?

  5. Interesting question. I can only really answer for myself since...well, men don't talk about this. So I don't know how other men feel.

    I would say, in short, some do, because I do. It's different though, it's not like I hate other men that are good looking, or really dislike, technically then, the answer is no, not yes. Men will get jealous of other men though, I'm envious of guys that have a better build than I do, for example.

    In all honesty though, it's hard to tell since men communicate differently and such. Also it's like to be very different for men who are different in levels of attraction. A guy at the bottom might hate other guys for it, whereas a guy at the top might not care to be in competition. This is different from women who compete even if they're at the top.

    Edit: This guy's answer...

    "No, men arn't women

    However, if you changed good looking to "with an attractive partner" or "higher paying job" or "more successful" then the answer is yes"

    is good. I would agree with that. I care more about those things than how a guy looks, ten times over. How dare that a*****e have a Ferrari?

    Also, what irreplacable said is true, guys all wake up in the morning, look at themselves in the mirror and think "You good lookin' stud."

    ^ I do =D

  6. Not as far as I have experienced. The more attractive a woman the more men and women like her. Of course her personality can quickly negate any positives her physical beauty may have afforded her. Just as a woman with a great personality will become more attractive as time goes by.

  7. I don't like men with styled hair and product on the face. That's not a real man. Other than that, I don't care how good looking a person is.

  8. No, not in my experience.

    Make-up and looking s**y has less to do with men and more to do with intimidating other women with their looks.

  9. No, when we look at other men, we dont think about that because our self-esteem and testosterone levels are so high that we think we are the best looking man alive.

  10. I didn't realize that most men would allow themselves to find another man good looking without being homophobic towards himself.

  11. No, men arn't women

    However, if you changed good looking to "with an attractive partner" or "higher paying job" or "more successful" then the answer is yes

  12. Yes. We do have a tendency to dislike "pretty boys". But not manly good looking guys. I'm not sure why.  

  13. I can't speak for all men, but I personally can't stand the "pretty boys", like Pierce Brosnan and Rob Lowe.  But especially Pierce because he has the smug british attitude that just makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

    If that's not enough, one of my all time favorite groups is Abba, and I wanted to see Mamma Mia the who do they put in it?  Pierce Brosnan!!!

    Oddly though, I don't have any problem with guys like Jack Nicholson, Charles Bronson,  or Tom Selleck.

  14. I agree with Robert. Male jealousy of other men seems to revolve around material possessions: a higher income, a nicer car, more social status.

    Though I have seen men become jealous of good-looking men if too many women express interest in the good-looking man.

  15. Most of us don't like Ben Affleck but it has more to do with his lack of acting ability and being nothing but a pretty boy that we take exception too. It doesn't help that he was on the cover of  Details magazine with a caption that read " Ben Affleck is as sick of himself as you are".

      I think you're asking if less attractive men envy males that females find more attractive then us.  The answer is; it depends.

    If a better looking guy has a woman on his arm that we desire then we may find ourselves resentful of his having "it" and what ever "it" is.  Oftentimes looks are not the factor in which guy gets the girl and we straight guys are not the true authority on what an attractive male is.

    We depend on you ladies to clue us in on who's hot and who's not.

    If you observe closely you'll notice that the most datable eligible bachelors have a tendency to hang out together in exclusive clubs.

    They use each other's status with women and material to determine each other's worthiness.    

    If a handsome type guy is attracting a lot of bimbos then some of us could care less about his looks and charisma.  I for one do not envy exceptionally good looking and charming guys because they have to handle more attention and temptation than I would ever care to.  I'm fine with being in the happy medium and I've always been too lazy to be a player.  ( I don't like having to make up alibies).

  16. I haven't noticed whether they do or not... I think men don't spend as much time eyeballing the competition. A friend of mine says he can admit when a guy is good looking... and gets confused when women are into guys he thinks aren't attractive... but there's no hostility.  

  17. No, I hate (not dislike) men with a loud mouth who think they are the centre of the world.

    Floppy hair is irritating too.

  18. No, not yet, but I'm willing to give it a try.


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