
Do men ever think of their ex's?

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Ok I'll give you some brief detail why I wonder.

Me and my ex were together 5yrs and engaged for 4 of those years. He was away and uni 3months before finishing his course and cheated.

He told me via text message, so In disgust I never text him back, emailed or called him. Has no contact since that text. That was 5months ago now.

I was just wondering if he ever wondered how I took it and how he'd have thought id taken it.

P.s I was his first ever gf and everything, so I sort of understand why he was curious to discover other women. I was 2yrs older, so has a tad more experience than him.




  1. I'm sure he does, we all think of our exes whether good or bad! I'm sure he does especially he way that hings ended between you two...the fact that you were his first girlfriend or that you were experienced is no excuse for his cheating. You did a good things in losing all contact wit him! He obviously has a lot more growing up to do!

  2. My ex and I split up 5 months ago because of stupid rumours at my work and her trust for me dropped so low she couldn't take it and we broke up :( I still think about her to this day and we were only together 6 months but it was deep and we really clicked. She was special to me and I can't forgive myself for what i did!

    I don't think men like to talk about there ex's because it's a man-pride thing, most think theres plenty of girls out there but I don't think that because there is only one for you

    I'm still lost on what to do because i don't know how to earn her trust back and i still love her! Any help would be great.  

  3. even tho I'm a girl

    I'm sure they do

    my past bfs jump into my mind every once in a while...

    mainly curiosity

  4. My ex always thought of his exs. And now he thinks of me - so he tells me. Especially in the shower. Kinda gross, but it's funny.  

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