
Do men feel insecure when women go out and work and earn money on their own?

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..just curious bcoz many husbands want their wife to stay home.I dn't find anything wrong in working and having a stability on her own,provided she takes care of family reasonably.If all "stay at home moms" were perfect,this world would have already been too there ius no point in telling that by working outside,women dn't care for family.

Why men dn't like women matter how highly educated they are.




  1. My husband wants me to stay home when we have kids.

    I am excited about it...because I dont want to miss a second of my kids lives.

    What I think makes men insecure and disappointed is when they NEED their wives to work because they would not be able to make it if they didnt have the second income. I dont care what anybody says its part of a mans nature to be the provider....and the womans job to nurture...


    Gold Digger...your answer was dumb! you will probably never have a really successful relationship with that attitude!

    I need my husband for emotional support and for the company that he gives me...I can make it on my own financially but I do NEED him. He completes me and is my best friend..

  2. Many of them do, many of them dont.

  3. Many prefer them out working too - which are you going to give your attention to?

    And why do they have to be insecure to want that?

    Are women that want to be stay at home parents insecure of facing a work place?

    Derogatory sexist fool.

    Edit - your looking at this from the wrong angle.

    Your thoughts are don't like/do like, and insecure because.

    Try preference and what is it about the highly educated women you know and have seen that men don't like about them. Many men do like educated women. Many do like strong, confident etc ...

    I'm beginning to think that what women generally view as educated, confident etc is what men view in them as arrogant, insulting, closed minded ... etc ... all the sorts of things that women might think of jerks when it comes to men taking it too far.

  4. again it must be an American thing men dont mind their wives working here. my husband and dad just want me and my mum to be happy.

  5. Most unlikely.  Most men are quite happy for their wives to be bringing in money.  I would think that the number of men prepared to support a wife nowadays is probably quite small, most men nowadays expect women to do the lot, earn money, do all the domestic work etc.  It's called 'liberation'.

    If there are any men still left who are happy for their wives to stay at home, then personally I think it is to their credit.  

  6. of corse it makes them insecure...  cuz it means we dont need them anymore...   if we make our own mony men cant control us...  we can get up an walk away whenever we pls... thats y men never wanted women to work... an they want to keep our wages low...

    men cant stand it that they need us for evrything... an we dont need them for anything.... lol

  7. I am a guy and I think it is great when a women gets out there and is able to earn more money than me.  Its shows that she has empowered herself to become a better lady

  8. I think some men today are becoming sissys and shirking their responsibility to be the breadwinner to their woman. Men that are not willing to respectfullly allow their wife to be a homemaker ( and stay home with the children should they have them) seem like pimps to me.  (If she has a strong desire to work outside the home that's one thing). I understand if the man's job is not lucrative enough to meet their needs, but if he's doing well, he should respectfully allow her the option to be a homemaker.  Studies show children are far better off emotionally and mentally to have their mother at home.  Be a MAN, men, do what the Bible says and Provide for your wife and children. Stop trying to ditch your responsibilitys and be a wussy pimp!

  9. A very few do, but most men don't mind in the least. If I ended up with a man who wanted me to stay home, I'd dump him.

  10. Men feel insecure because some such women still ask/expect men to earn for them.

    Such Women think their money is personal money while that of the man is the collective property.

  11. Yes.

  12. no...thats the way it should be. dont be a mooch. granted you got to take care of kids if you have them.

  13. Only guys that are insecure with themselves from the jump would feel threatened by their woman working.

    We want equal rights, am I right? Well that comes with the territory.

    My guy is proud that he is with a woman that puts in a 40 hour week, and still takes care of the household and whatever else comes up, it also takes the pressure off of him. God forbid one of us has to take a few days off, the other can hold it down with a second income. Teamwork!!

  14. Not at all. I'm actually baffled that this myth has spread so far.

    I'd actually very much like a wife who worked, extra income = easier lifestyle = less pressure on me to support us.

    Plus i believe everyone should pull their own weight in some way. Whether this is raising the child(if any) of the marriage, having a part-time job and maintaining the household, or having a full time job, makes no difference.

    IMO i dont want kids till i'm like 40, when i have a buttload of savings and a house and decent car(i'm just out of college), so my wife/girlfriend would probably work.

    Plus most women i know find working more rewarding, because doing housework gets tedious after a while.

    Edit: Oh jesus Gold Digger is back.

    Dere be a storm comin boys!

  15. no a lot of people like me, want a woman that works and brings in some more income. Sometimes they want the mom to sop if they have a kid but they do like a working woman

  16. My man doesn't mind at all.

  17. I think most men want a women to carry her share of the responsibilities, which include the finances.  

  18. No, there are few people on here who can remember a time when women didn't work. Why would men resent the people they care about doing their thing?

    Our economy is based on both components working now anyway so average families no longer have the option of a sahm.

    Which system is more oppressive sahm with the option to work, or mother with no choice but to work?

    We have been conned. Two incomes now produce what one once did, the jokes on us.

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