I am a young female in my mid twenties, and I have noticed that most men out there like women that actually look like women..you know...dress, skirts, heels, v-neck shirts,nails did and the whole nine....
I do not do or wear any of those things..i don't do heels, dresses or nails of any sort..i wear my slacks, my long sleeve shirts and I call it a day..I take my job seriously so I refrain from smiling or laughing at my customers lame jokes..
Any..I have noticed a couple of times that my other co-worker, she is not much of a looker, but she makes it up by dressing really..feminine...I mean, she smokes alot, so her teeth is pretty yellow and she smells of smoke alot..she has very crooked teeth and she is very ghetto, and doesn't have much of a shape..( you can see the veins on her leg when she wears a dress or a skirt) but yet she attracts a lot of men..she stays smiling no matter what she looks like....and i respect her for that..that is confidence...
but with me...many say that I have a nice shape because I am very curvaceous, but I do not like to reveal myself because I am still self conscious..I smile when I need to but not often...
But now I am very jealous because no matter how I try to present my self ( I always wear black or gray, so I tried colors like blue and purple)..but still nothing from the dudes..
So guys..do you really look at a females physical appearance to find her attractive or is it the way she presents herself....I have never felt more ugly then I do right now....