
Do men find girls who have had a baby not as attractive as they were before they were pregnant?

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even if the girl still looked the same?




  1. I am not a man, but I dont think so because before I had a child and thereafter, I always get compliments on both my looks and personality, along with an occassional "You have an adorable baby", so I would say no, men dont care about that.

  2. Why don't you have a man?  And i'm sure the daddy of your baby will find you extra attractive now your the mother of his child!

  3. Maybe it varies by the guy. I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant and my husband still finds me attractive. In fact it seems to have increased since I first got pregnant. As far as physical changes, my body size hasn't really changed except in my tummy and my b***s.

  4. i dont think so. Its the same. Im a girl. but just going by what ive heard people say befor.  Just because you ahve a baby doesnt change anything if your looking after yourself.

  5. I don't have kids but a lot of my friends do (i know it's like saying, but I played one on tv).  I think it just has to do with the appearance.  A lot of women have trouble "getting their body back" after having a child.  But if you look the same, you'll probably get about as much attention.  

    Some guys, younger ones especially, might be a little intimidated by having a serious relationship with a woman who has a kid.  That's understandable though because dating her means being involved with her kid(s) somehow, and for younger people that is new and scary sometimes.  I think sometimes guys worry that either you'll never be able to do anything fun alone, or that he'll cause you to neglect your kids.  But there is a balance.  I have a friend who manages to go out with her girls all the time and still has a great relationship with her son.  She has a very supportive family who is happy to babysit though :)

    Not all guys will be intimidated by kids though.  Some guys don't like kids, but many do.  And once they become mature enough to handle less self-centered relationships, guys will be more willing to get into that.

  6. When i had my oldest son his dad was a total jerk and he hated the fact that i had given birth. I gained 30lbs going from 96 to 126 lbs. When i left the hospital after giving birth to a 9.5lbs healthy baby boy. I weighed a meager 114lbs (i am 4'11) He called me a whale!! He would rock the water bed and say that's what my stomach looked like.

    However this is the case of an a*****e that you wouldn't want around anyway. When i met my husband he loved everything about me! From my hair to my eyes right down to my stretch marks!! We have had 2 children since and are pregnant with the long awaited 4th. When i had our first child together i couldn't keep my husband away from me! It seems he loves me more with every passing day and every passing child. To put it short if he is the one for you, whether he is the father or not, He will love you unconditionally like you love your child!!

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