
Do men generally mean what they say? Is it truth?

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If a man says he's in love with it truth? I have always thought that men are usually careful about using the "L" word. Where women are more open with their feelings. Guys...what do you think? If a man expresses his it real? can I take it serious?




  1. I found the actual word although can provide comfort, has not a real amount of meaning.

    My last girlfriend, used to say oh darling i love you, then would say that she loved the bloody cat.

    Men are less likely to use the word, as its a sign of commitment, and that's scary to a lot of guys.

    It really comes from the heart, travels up the body and is seen through the eyes.

    Never ask if your loved just have a serious look into their eyes and your answer will be there.

    Hugs and wishes

    Maddy (tv)

  2. Yea, he's probablly serious.

    Unkess he uses the "L" word heavily.


  3. Depends how long you have known him

    if he uses it to heavily he might just be trying to get your goodies

    but if he seems sincere he is probably serious

  4. If he only says I love you before/during/after you're having s*x, then he probably doesn't mean it. Other than that, I think it's the real deal.

  5. Most males don't hint or give clues, they come out and say what they think, so generally an I love you is the real deal. Unless it's 2am and he's liquored up and it is your first meeting.

  6. Depends. Where i live in england the word love it used way too much :/ From what i gather from TV (lol) its not used lightly in america. But who knows. Some guys will use that word to get what they want sadly.

    You'll know if they mean it.

  7. I've found that I can only believe about half of what anyone tells me, so it's up to you if you want to believe or not. I guess you should consider how truthful he's been up to that time, and that should give you an idea if he's telling you his real feelings.

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