
Do men get to decide what a "strong woman" is?

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Certainly they can have their opinions. They just don't mean anything in the long run.;_ylt=AhT8cnUk.DHdXGUQ_Nb5YEvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080806105049AA8TPYK&show=7#profile-info-cbsAZVNQaa

I think the general consensus on my previous question was that women don't decide what a "real man" is. And I see many men here say all the time that women don't determine what a "real man" is. Isn't it only fair that men's opinion of what constitutes a "strong woman" matter just as little?




  1. No one, except the woman herself, decides such an issue.  But I do not know any women walking around asking themselves, or anyone else, such a ridiculous question.

    If you consider yourself to be  a strong woman, so be it.  I just do not concermn myself with that nonsense, and  just deal with women as they come along, strong or not.

  2. I have my preferences and might agree with other peoples definitions of what makes a strong woman but ultimately I don't feel like I have the right to make that decision. I'll never know the specific burdens carried by women.

  3. No women get to tell us that are "strong women" and if we disagree, they say we are afraid of them.

  4. That is a good point. I think men can define what a strong woman is. In my mind a strong woman is an independant woman. But whether a woman would allow themselves to be defined by others is another question. I would say thanks to feminism the answer is now a firm "no". Nor should they.

    Whereas young men, under the influence of feminist educators of the 80s-90s were given a choice: admit you are to blame, admit you need to be psychologically castrated, and become what we will mould you into, OR be shunned by all the hotties (also under their influence). Most men wanting you know what opted for the former.

  5. People define themselves, If a man relies on others to decide if he is strong or not, he is actually weak because he allowed others to define him, same with women, One must make there own decisions, live life by the principals that he/she has defined, in there lies there strenth  

  6. No.

  7. Its like with math. Only because you suck at math does not necessarily mean you are great at non math.

  8. Do you want it to have a deep impacting meaning for you or not?

    d**n woman - quit your whining and get real.

    lol - just pulling your leg.

    I really doubt men on the whole have had a lot of impact on that.

    I think larger organistions (the key word here - organisations) may have had an impact. But men as a gender group - I doubt have.

  9. Everyone has their own opinion on what "strong" means to them.

    A woman who can bench press 500lbs is strong

    A woman who can work a 40 hr week and keep her kids and home in line is strong.

    I believe that everyone is strong in their own way

  10. I think men are more interested in defining what a "lady" is, generally. A lot of men are afraid of a "strong" woman because much of being a "real" man has to do with providing for a woman and a family (that's what many answerers to my question said). If a woman is too strong it undermines one of the most important sources of manhood. I think this is part of why men feel emasculated by feminism.

    Generally men define a "lady" as someone who focuses on her appearance (to attract men) and who is sweet, generally soft spoken, non-sexual (at least not with other men), and somewhat needy. This definition of a "lady" ensures that men get to look at women they find attractive, get to make sure that that woman's sexuality is loyal to them, and that she will let him make decisions and lead her around. Then he can feel like a "real" man.

    There is an inherent problem in making women the linchpin of masculinity and vice versa. Many people got right to this point in my questions. By allowing your self worth to be defined by others, you are making yourself vulnerable and you aren't living authentically.  

  11. no because it annoys me when women say you should be a "realman" its  your actions that make you a strong person. not other people  

  12. I think each man gets to decide how he defines a strong woman, and then he can pick whichever woman fits that definition.

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