
Do men go to jail for mentally abusing their wives?

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Somebody answered my other question by saying women don't go to jail for mentally abusing their husbands.




  1. Men go to jail the moment the wife picks up the phone and calls the police. The dont get exactly life, but they go to jail under the VAWA act.

    Mental abuse is domestic violence.

    Financial abuse is domestic violence, etc.

    VAWA has an must arrest paragraph meaning that somebody HAS GOT to go to jail.

    Bottom line is do not marry a ho that plays games with lawyers and divorce courts in the first place. If you get dragged to divorce court, you married a ho.

    George if she serves you papers in the first place you married a ho and well if you want divorce because you didnt take till death all that serious, I suppose you had it coming.

  2. Yes the law says so.

    I have seen women mentioning mental abuse a lot in their application.

    It may not result into eventual conviction but men still get arrested for it and sent to jail.

    The reasons It does result into eventual conviction is

    1) Most of such cases do not stand their ground when it comes to proving it.

    2) Conviction is rare in false cases, though arrest of husband is mandatory whether or not the claims are false.

    Also in lot of cases where a woman commits suicide, it is implicitly assumed by court/law that women committed suicide because of mental abuse by husband.

    In India for e.g any sucide by wife within 7 years of marriage,  the "burden of proof" to prove that it was "not" because of mental abuse by husband is on the husband/accussed. Yes it is law inverted upside down i.e guilty till proven innocent.

    However, under pressure from radical feminists, they are planning to extend this 7 year period to a life long one.

  3. Can't really prove mental abuse, it is a pity that we can't measure passive aggression. there needs to be more awareness about it, a % of guys who are charged with dv are otherwise passive guy who have snapped after years of continual mental and emotional abuse.

    mental abuse is rife among todays women. "the rules", that book kids read, just a beginners manual.

    mental abuse is serious 6666666z because it is relentless and goes on day in day out for years.

  4. Men go to jail because the woman says so. What part of the world do you come from. It cant be the western world.

    This is a pretty silly question from someone who obvously is not a man in the western world and does not know a man who would tell her otherwise.


    Especially in time of starting divorce and child custody.

  5. I don't think anyone goes to jail for mental abuse, since that's notoriously difficult to prove.

  6. Yes in India, as per the current laws, men do go to jail for mentally abusing their wives.  Search the web for more

  7. Would you do a re-think on your idea of equality if it was proven that men have been jailed for mental abuse

  8. The problem is that the Legal system and Domestic Abuse system rewards Women who make false abuse accusations. And there are no Legal sanctions for false abuse allegations. It is now estimated that Abuse allegations occur in one in four Divorces. It is a mechanism to gain leverage for a better settlement for Women. We should go to Mediation rather than an adversarial approach, that increases Legal Fees and collateral damage to Children and Men.

    The system gives incentives to Women who make false abuse allegations. Any Gender given the right incentives will abuse the system to their benefit, when much is at stake. Men are not Angels or morally superior to Women either.

    Look at the conduct of Women in Russia as compared to the Men. It is the Women who take the abuse, take the responsibility and shoulder the burdens. Many of the Men are drunken, skirt chasers and philanderers who are abusers. Why? Because they have no disincentives to act responsibly.

    The same is true here. It is the system that subsidizes bad behavior, not the Gender alone.

    Neither Gender has a corner on Virtue, Honor, Courage or decency. We both have feet of Clay, and are subject to human frailties.

  9. In India, a man can be locked up for calling his wife something as little a nag. And that is covered by the same Act that convicts a man brutally hitting his wife, which is true Domestic Violence. Calling her what she is is considered 'mental abuse', and a punishable offence under the Domestic Violence Act, India, 2005. It makes Domestic Violence as a term laughable. Women who suffer true DV get very hurt when they're asked, "You say you are a victim of Domestic Violence, and you used the DV Act for justice. Did you use the DV Act to lock him up because you were nagging him and he called you a nag or because he was really abusive?"

    I know a fair number of women who have total control and mentally abuse their men time and time again. If they don't go to jail, why should men?

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    EDIT: A man can get a divorce, but he'd rather choose not to, as he could lose his house and his kids and be forced into years of alimony and child support if he applies for a divorce. That's how it normally is, no matter who initiates the divorce. He has more to 'gain' ('keep' rather) by staying with the abusive woman.

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    EDIT: Here's proof of the law existing. But please ignore the squabble and focus on the facts presented by the interviewer. It is in two parts: (Part A) (Part B)

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    EDIT: Rio Madeira, it is h**l difficult to prove in a neutral country, but in India, women don't have to 'prove' it. They only need tears and a neighbour or relative willing to act. No matter what the man says or proves, he will be arrested.

  10. I do not thank so , i never heard of that and at most it is just grounds for a divorce.

    ah yes cassius is very right about what he just said, that is very true. in that i suppose yes they sure can.

    ah it is ok you can thumbs down me for telling a fact, and it is actually a fact and a truth that a women can easily use to strengthen her end for preparation of a divorce. it is one of the reasons i do not believe in marriage.

  11. Never in your wildest dreams.

  12. I don't think so.  But even if they did, mental abuse is extremely difficult to prove, so if they do it is probably very it is for mentally abusing children.

    By stating that mental abuse is not jail worthy you allow others to believe you see nothing wrong with it.  I am not sure why you find it acceptable to mentally abuse people.  It can be just as damaging as physical abuse, sometimes more so.

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