
Do men hate attending weddings? ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to ask a guy friend to a wedding but I don't want him to say yes because he feels like he should. Do guys like attending weddings with girls they have fun with? Or would they rather not?

just looking for generalizations here.




  1. Most guys I know enjoy weddings.  It's free food, drinks and dancing all night long!  Maybe bring up the topic of weddings, like your past experiences or something to that effect.  If he reciprocates with a positive attitude (or you just luck out and he out and out says how he feels about them) then you may have a better idea.

    Good luck and enjoy the wedding!

  2. nah most single guys like them, not to mention all the pretty ladies that are there and the reception afterwards ;)

  3. Some do and some don't.  It really depends on the guy and the wedding.  A church wedding with luncheon reception may not be everyone's idea of a good time, but an evening reception with drinking and dancing may be more fun.

  4. If there is booze at the reception and I don't have to drive, then I am all for them.

  5. Watch the movie Wedding Crashers.

    Seriously though, it would depend on the guy. A guy that is into parties would probably enjoy it, and shy guys who don't like parties may not be all that comfortable. Some guys may get a little freaked if asked to go to a wedding with a girl, but if you are friends he probably won't think this is your way of testing him or hinting at anything. Generalizations don't work that well here since it could go either way. You know him better than anyone here. Talk to him about it to see if he would get weirded out or would be bored.

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