
Do men have any sickness or any feelings when there girls are pregnant?

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do they feel anything or is anything wrong such as sickness or anything if so what kind and what happens?




  1. sometimes yeah it happens they can get sympathy pains or whatever.

  2. my other half has had morning sickness with me too. He knew i was pregnant before me.

  3. yea my husband got the weight gain because he would eat with me

  4. LOL well all i can say is i wish my partner did!! My dad told me when my mum was pregnant with me he had morning sickness, and guess what when i was pregnant he also got it right along with me... aint he a sweet dad and grandpa :)

  5. my hubby didnt have any sickness but did suffer from heartburn with all 3 of my pregnancies!! mad isnt it? considering he never had it before...

  6. My hubby had morning sickness for me the 1st trimester lol. Poor guy!

  7. i read that some daddys gain the weight along with the mommy which happened with me when i got pregnant he was gaining the weight along with me for some odd reason. lol

  8. my fiance did, he wasn't throwing up or anything, but he said he felt really nauseous.

  9. It does for some men. Not for all. Some have morning sickness, weight gain and mood swings. I have in my life the fathers who are more connected to their wives are more tuned into what they are going through therefore crossing over to them physiologically.

  10. sometimes.. in my case, my bd got fatter!!

    My brother did too when his wife was pregnant.

    when my mom got pregnant, my step dad.. felt nauseous(before they even knew!!)

    so sometimes.. but usually it happens once he knows you are pregnant

  11. My husband had nausea, he use to throw up every morning after PT when I was pregnant with my little girl.  he slept a lot on both of my pregnancies plus this one too.  And he had alot of weight gain on my first two. Yeah they do have symtoms and that makes me happy!

  12. YES! My husband drove me crazy when I was pregnant. I got so frustrated with him because I would complain about morning sickness, and he would be right along side of me complaining that he felt really nauseous too. When I would get a headache, he would have a headache. When I was too tired to do anything, sure enough, he was completely exhausted.

    It is all psychosomatic. I think it's the man's unconscious desire to have a baby, so when someone is pregnant with their child, they do what they can to mimic the woman. This is all subconscious, of course.

    Oh geez...I've studied psychology way too long.

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