
Do men learn different techniques in self defence classes than women?

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Do men learn different techniques in self defence classes than women?




  1. yes.some classes do.

    men have a stronger upper body.

    women have a stronger lower body.

    so the trainers like to focus on the strongest points for females and males.

    although they do also focus on the weaker points.

    but for most of it yes men and women have different techniques.

  2. There are special 'women's self defense' classes that focus on rape defense, taking on larger, male attackers, and general safety.

    It varies from school to school, but most schools do not train women and men differently.  It is a lie that women are naturally weaker in their upper bodies- we just have to work harder to get that strong.  But it is more than possible.

    Some schools have 'women's' and 'men's' strength training- women have smaller numbers.  But that's all that I have ever heard of.

  3. As katana says women think quicker also they are more intuitive than men a trait usually mocked by men as "female intuition"

    Men like  BUNDY and others realize this and overcome their intuitive instincts that usually give them a warning signal.

    He played helpless male games going as far as putting false casts on an arm or leg .Other approaches were lost and in need of directions and the helpful approach .

    He was well dressed handsome friendly and conversed intilligently and a serial killer.

    The female natural instinct to be helpful nurturing and tendency not to be rude or even natural attraction to such a person side tracks her intuitive instinct .

    Maybe the feminist approach .of" Bugger off I dont need your help" is the best self defense of all.

    As for technique if they aren't trained in "how it's really going to go down "and the scenario leading up to the attack and his likely response to your counter you are just excercising.

    The usual "guy jumps out of bushes `or out of darkened alley " attack rarely happens.75% of rapes and assaults are commited by people they know.

  4. theres 2 women in our class, and the moves and techniques they learn are the same as everyone else...however, i think because they both started at the same time its beneficial that they work with each other, not because their women, but because they are similar in size and skill level...

  5. Depends what Self Defense class you go to. At my dojang there are special Womens Self Defense Classes and just general Self Deffense Classes. In the general class for both genders, they each learn teh same things.

  6. With respect to Jessica men are just pound for pound naturally stronger in the upper body then women. Take a male and female the same size, neither of whom really works out, and the man will have greater natural upper body strength, Not saying a women can't get strong, but naturally the male is stronger.

    With that being said women have a lot of advantages. they tend to be more naturally flexible, have stronger hips, all things being equal their reflexes are faster and their thought processes are better. the only advantage a male has is they tend to do better at stratigic thinking, which is why most of your chess masters are male.

    As to learning different techniques it will vary, but in most martial arts classes they learn exactly the same things. However womens and men's actual self defense classes may differ. I know the womens self defense I teach does.

  7. Men and women face diffrent risks as far as being assulted goes...true women's self defense is tailored to their specific needs. Men's self defense courses tend to be more generic.

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