
Do men like Kickboxing with women?

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I spar/train in kickboxing with men because no other women at my school want to. They all have great self control and have helped me learn much so far, and recently figured who my regular sparring partner is. I was frightened at first sure, I took it as a challenge to over come any fears I may have if I ever needed to defend myself. Now, I truely like to spar with the guys.

Guys/men, have you ever sparred with a gal/woman?

All perspectives welcome.




  1. I spar with women all the time  and have no problem with it, I acctually rather enjoy it, granted I take karate and the sparring is no where near as intense as in kickboxing or boxing. but even if it were I still wouldnt have a problem with it

  2. Yes, I used to spar with women sometimes when I was in TaeKwondo. It didn't bother me that much, just that I hate the thought of hitting a woman. I think you if you can spar with men that it is a very good idea. If you were ever unfortunate enough to be attacked by a man you wouldn't be totally surprised by the difference in size and strength. I hope it never happens to any woman, but we live in the real world and things like that happen from time to time. I hope you enjoy your training. I wish more women would practice some sort of martial art.

  3. i have befor and in kickboxing and frankly im scared to fight a girl in kick boxing because she would probly wupe my butt!!

  4. My training partner during my first black belt cycle was a woman who ran a Cardio Kick boxing class at  a health club. What she lacked in size she more than made up for in speed and will power. Her punches were al little less powerful than the average student in our school the same size. Here kicks were the best in our school and seemed to come form nowhere. I don't mind sparring with anyone of relative skill.

    I spar for the fun of it. Everyone brings something different ; that is what makes it interesting. Some of the men in our school don't like sparring with the women students. I think it is important from a self defense aspect for the women to get to spar with the men ; in order to get used to the difference in the way men handle themselves. The reverse is true as well.

    The difference in center of gravity and balance, the difference in aggression, these are important to be exposed to.

    We encourage our women students and men students to spar with each other.

  5. i enjoy sparing with females as a lot of guys do. it helps the female prepare for defending her self in the street.and helps us learn how to deal with agressive females. a lot of females are a l;ittle worried about getting hit or hurt at first.your not alone.

  6. generally it is fine but personally I like to spar people that are good, ppl that are easygoing not too uptight, some women I sparred were fun and memorable. I sparred a woman from Shanghai China, she was more interesting than the guys any day......

  7. I actually sparred with a few women in kickboxing and boxing. Some of which are better than me and others that sucked. Fighting a woman isn't a problem for me. It might be for some old boxing guys. Stiffs from a time long past. I think it also bothered guys who are greener and don't spar as often. They have some stupid cheverous idea in their heads that women are frigile little birds or something that must be handled with loving care.. blah blah blah. LAME! Go get a life guys.

    I say if a woman is a trained fighter than I don't see gender anymore. That person is a fighter and I shouldn't be going easy on her because she might catch me and knock me out. It's dangerous for people to think that. You underestimate you're opponant and you will get knocked out! The only thing I worry about is throwing a loose punch to the b***s or something. Otherwise, it's all fair game.

    If I were you. I would take a guy who's like, "oh, I'm a big manly man who doesn't fight little girls cuz I might break them by accident with my big manliness..." and then f'n crush him and embarrass him. That will show them.

    I have had women lighter than me... more didicated than me... knock the hair off my noggin'!

  8. Kicking boxing as in "Sport Karate", I personally don't like it do too all of the screaming/ki. Emphasis on technique is one thing but the extended ki (screaming as I put it) gives me a migraine.

    I enjoy teaching self-defense to woman and kids.

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