
Do men like more talkative or quiet women?

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Do men like women who are more extroverted and talk a lot, or introverted and kind of shy and quiet?




  1. Introverted but talkative to their close friends..which in this case would be me.  Talkative women ..or overly extroverted women aren't the types that listen and think before they speak, they can catch themselves talking out of their *ss and end up sayin stuff that they regret or is unnecessary.  I'm also a private person, don't like to have too many friends, so someone as introverted as me would be perfect.  My wife is like that, she's introverted and opens up to only her close friends such as myself and her few friends she has.  She still tends to overexaggerate stuff with gossip but no one's perfect, i'm bad with that myself.

  2. Probably depends on the woman.  Some guys aren't pleased no matter what. My 1st husband would complain I talk too much.  However, I found out that he gets upset with wife #2 because she doesn't talk enough. Apparently when she gets mad at him, she clams up lololol.

  3. personally i'm kinda an introvert so I like hanging out with talkative girls. They help stir up a convo, and i feel more comfortable around them because i dont have to "break teh ice"

  4. I prefer more introverted women. The reason is, I feel that talkative women are basically saying nothing when they speak. But, when quiet women speak, what they say makes sense.

  5. I think the author was asking a general question to men.

          Personally I like a mixture. A women who can be talkative and quite. I know it sounds like an oxy-moron but there are some moments when silence is enough and then there are moments where you want to talk until the sunrises.

      But as long as she listens to what I say(pays attention) and gives me a chances to speak I have no problem.

  6. I am guess they like women who know when to be talkative and know when to be quiet.

  7. talkative women. Men always thinks somethings wrong if a girls to quiet. And s***w you not all men are horndogs to the girl in the first post

  8. I like them in between.

    I like for a woman to talk enough as to I don't have to always start or carry on the conversation. But i really detest women who talk really loud, and go off the subject when we are talking about one thing.

  9. Talkative women, more fun to be with

  10. Wouldn't that depend on the guy and the chemistry between the two people?  Not all guys are the same, you know.  They're as individual as snowflakes.

  11. i think they like loud women but it does depend on the guy.

    i personally do not like introverted people much. but im not a guy so i guess that irrelavant.

  12. Depends on the guy, we all have different tastes.

  13. Depends on the man=]

  14. Depends on the man, I'm a quiet woman & prefer a more talkative man.

  15. they like the women with no control over their pants.

  16. quiet, i prefer girls who can socialize but arent over the top extroverted

  17. Either, as long as

    they only talk during add breaks, know how to wash the car and

    and f*ck like bunnies.

  18. I imagine men have a lot of different tastes, so I can't answer that for you.

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