
Do men no longer remove their hats when indoors?

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Do men no longer remove their hats when indoors?




  1. I don't think these days they even remove them at funerals.    apprentice.

  2. I don't think they ever really did. Look in a lot of restaurants, the majority of men wearing hats are the older crowd.

  3. Most of the men who wear hats regularly are wearers of baseball caps, hoodies, or round knitted tammies. They wear them as either a fashion statement, or to show that they identify with a particular social group. So these men do not remove their hats indoors.

    Army officers, however, must remove their hats on entering an officer's mess, because in the mess they are not in a formal setting when required to use their authority. They don't generally wear hats indoors either, unless to emphasise their office - for example, when hearing a disciplinary matter.

    Headgear has traditionally been associated with  display of rank. Kings wear crowns, bishops wear mitres, senior officers wear gold braid on the peaks of their hats, etc. When knights wore helmets, the raised visor sat on top, making the helmet too tall to wear going through a doorway - at least without danger of injury! So knights removed their helmets before going inside.

    Artists wore hats with broad brims to keep the sun from their eyes when painting out of doors, and rmoved them when inside out of the light, but the wore berets inside to keep their hair from landing in the wet oil paint.

    My father is an artist, and an old fashioned gentleman. He still removes his hat on entering a building, and he has been known to raise it to a lady!

  4. Only the ones without manners

  5. My hubby has a cap on from getting up in the morning until he goes to bed at night but he had an op. to remove a brain tumour & feels the cold on his head all the time. Most people know this now but he always explains to strangers.

  6. it use to be a sign of respect and a curtesy but people of this day and age no longer wear hats for a reason other than fashion so dont really know the rules only in the older sect does it still apply its sad but everything changes as do peoples respect

  7. Im british and noticed that in the US!

    They have baseball caps superglued to their heads!!!!!

  8. Why would they? People love to invent customs and conventions that supposedly show respect but the truth is if people really respected each other we would have a different world so in my humble opinion all these outward shows of "consideration" is just that, a show.

  9. I suppose some dudes think it is a fashion statement.  The younger generation is just too uninformed about etiquette these days.  Keep passing the word.

  10. I very rarely wear one having been forced to do so as a child.

    The rule is:

    1. In the banking hall  or pub , hotel reception . it is a public place the hat can be worn.

    2. In a private home, church, a pub lounge or hotel lift hats should not be worn because they are private places (in a church removing the hat is a custom to show resapect). Having said that if i rememebr that I am wearing a hat I hate them so much I take it off as soon as I am indoors. I now wear a hat when it is cold or the sun is strong because i get my scalp burned and suprisingly it is cooler

  11. There's a young lad working in the cubicle opposite me who insists on wearing his baseball hat constantly.

  12. cuz they have become rude lol

  13. no they don't they're too rude and disrespectful now!

  14. I find it really annoying sometimes. Call me old-fashioned, but I think it's nice when they do. It's not the actual hat that bothers me. The removing of hats indoors was a sign of respect and galantry. It's also a sign that people have lost all sense of propriety and all manners in the last few decades.

  15. That's kind of a dumb rule.  Where are they going to put them?  What does it harm?

    On the other hand, why are they needed inside?  Not to shield someone from the son or rain.  Do you always hang your jacket when you go inside?

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