
Do men really enjoy being married?

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Do men ACTUALLY enjoy being married? Is there any genuinelly happy married men out there? I just feel like it's against the nature of males to be committed to one person for the rest of their life.

Wives, please don't answer.

I'm sure there's a few of you out there who seem to be committed to your wife, your "best friend" etc etc. But yeah, just an enquiry.

Thank you!




  1. Men they were never ment to marry i think they have to cheat its thier nature so they are never happy

  2. I did when I was.

  3. Decent men do, and it's said they live longer.

    I'm not married, though (blew my chance).

  4. I am the worlds happiest husband and enjoy being married.  My wife is wonderful and we do little things for each other and we are always there for one another.

  5.'s different for every men............some take time for a serious commitment..............some are ready from like forever.........n some are just not born to be commited............

  6. Men do enjoy  being  married but before marriage they are nervous about the responsibility and  the commitment . But life after " I DO" ,makes them more happy than ever. Its life before doing something new humans get nervous and if u r not getting nervous then u don;t care about that thing , u r afraid whether u r going to succeed into it or not Cheers.

  7. i am a wife but i don't want to answer for ny husband , i just tell u from my point of view - it is fun to date and meet new people. but then it becomes soooooo booooring. what is the point? u meet someone, u get together , yada yada yada, u have lobster beask and s*x, in majority cases lobster bisk is the best part to mention, then u get apart and the cycle starts over. it is fun for a couple of times, but then it becomes boring and predictable. i have been dating a lot before i got married, at the end it was like playing music with notes - i could predict each man's behavior. so when i met the perfect one i knew i didn't want to date. and now i give me money i wouldn't start dating again. i guess it goes for men too - those who had it all and got fed up with dating enjoy being married. those who think they didn't get it all or they could do better do not enjoy. just that simple. sorry i interfered with your survey  

  8. I got married at the age of 25. Currently, I am 27 and have 2 kids. To be honest, I could have stayed single, slept around and hung out with my boys all day. Men being committed to one person for the rest of their life IS probably against their nature. But for the few who are committed to one person, they've learnt how to adapt and evolve.. Evolve into a human being who has more priorities than just themselves. My wife is my best friend and there's nothing wrong with that. She's taught me how to become a good person. There are times when I try to picture myself as 27 and single.. but it only reminds me that I wouldn't trade the WORLD for my family.

  9. I would think there's  alot of happy married men out there, if they found the right one the first time, my mom & dad was 72 years, he never ever wanted anyone else but my mom, that's the kind of husband I'd like to find! I believe you really need to be friends with the man you marry first, then get married, and it will last because you know what he's thinking, and he knows what you are thinking, and you are comfortable with each other!

  10. DEFINITELY choose marriage and faithfulness..I have found my Queen, 23 years ago, married for 17, don`t regret a minute! Never cheated on her, too much respect for her to betray her trust and love for me.Call me an oddity, but I sleep very well at night. Do I desire other women? Yeah, I do, but would never act on it, too much love to lose...

  11. Only decent non-cheating men. Yes the happy men are the ones that saved their virginity for the one and only woman they married to.

  12. I was never happier, but then, I am in a same-s*x marriage. ;)

  13. Yah it's true because the Men wouldn't live long life without wife. As for example the Bycycle have two tyre and they are as husband and wife.

    there are many things and example to say but it is not possible to say in public issue. as if you have any prob pls email me.

    Thanks & Regards


  14. I mostly enjoy being married, but it does have it's moments when it all goes wrong.  But that's part of being married I guess.  I have been married for just over 3 years and we have a 2 year old daughter.  I have never slept around and don't intend on it either.  I believe that if you marry someone you should be committed to that person, in sickness and in health.  For better or worse.  Shame most other people don't take that part on-board. A married has to be worked at and some men or even women just don't bother.

    To cut a long story short I am committed to my wife and I hope she feels the same way.

  15. I have a suspesion that you already know the answer.

    Men with very little going for them in all aspects of life in regards to Socioeconomic Status would love to get married.  How else will they get s*x.  Men with a lot going for them were pressured in to marriage in the past.  Now that pressure is not there.  Why on earth would a man with money, looks, charm etc settle for one woman until he is old.  And why marry when you can just live together?

    Throw in the fact that Divorce destroys any wealth a man has and makes him a slave to his ex, why on earth would you do it?  Think how bad you ladies have made marriage as an option.

  16. I'm totally committed to my wife.  Unfortunately, I've been in 2 prior relationships, where the women were not committed!

    I think most men like to be married.  Men like routine, they like comfort and they like having someone who loves them that they an love.  Men are basically little boys inside.  They need someone to tell them "you're doing a good job" so they can get on with their lives.

    Men like things like children and houses and family cars and outings and sports and stuff.  

  17. women give s*x to get love, men give love to get s*x.

    Well i don't know im not married but sincerily i love the sound of marriage and having kids and going on family holidays with my best friend who is also married with his kids and going together how cute is that. However every relationship has problems its going crazier as time goes on divorce rates have bursted its mad. So i think noone can really answer your questions its exactly like saying are girls happy married some are some arent there are some girls who get married to escape their family perhaps because they are a girl and belonging to an ethnic family who are strict they cannot handle it anymore and maybe who knows they do like married or maybe they don't because it wasn't the right choice. Sometimes, when your married sometimes one party flips a switch i duno.

  18. I enjoy the company of my wife more than anything else.  I am glad I married her.  I think that when commitment is a problem for guys its because they are thinking in the short term.  They'll miss the excitement and variety of the early part of relationships.

    I think a wife is much more than a "best friend," especially if she knows you are committed to her.  I know mine is.

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