
Do men really need to be told by women that they're great, smart, handsome (and the list goes on)...?

by  |  earlier

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aren't men strong enough to tell those things to themselves that they always brag about it while pointing at women for being a weaker gender, conquest, "all girls are prostitutes just that of different charges", problematics (blah blah blah)?

P/S: not all men i meant. i know some don't say things as above...or some do but only some or one of it, or maybe just not at all..(thanks to God for good guys on earth)




  1. Most people enjoy hearing praise on their strengths.

  2. I enjoy compliments as much as the next person.  If someone NEEDS to hear them on a regular basis, then they probably have some self-esteem issues. This isn't something that only one gender suffers from.  

    As to sexist remarks (whether made by men or women), this is the classic bully syndrome- putting others down to make yourself feel better.  Again, it's a self-esteem thing.

  3. the majority of people enjoy an ego boost, definitely if its from the opposite s*x or someone your attracted or attached to.

  4. If you think that a man is great, smart, handsome etc, then you should tell him so.  if you don't think so,then you shouldn't.  however, if you don't think the man in your life is great, smart, handsome etc, then what are you doing with him anyway?  Why not get somebody who kindles your admiration, if the one you've got now doesn't?

  5. Which group of people, by in large, gets mad when they see pretty women on the covers of magazines and say that it's bad for their self esteem?

    So, what was that about men not being strong?

  6. We all need a little affirmation from time to time. I don't call it stroking their ego, I call it stroking their soul. I liked to be stroked every so often.

  7. The ones who need to be told they are handsome and smart on a daily basis generally aren't either. Same goes for women.

  8. well...if he is saying stuff like you quote...don't lie and tell him he is smart and handsome.  No point in inflating the ego any more.

    Normal they NEED to hear it or women NEED to hear it?  Maybe not need...but it sure does help.

  9. I think that every individual can have self-esteem problems and may look to others for reassurance. And who doesn't like compliments?

  10. All humans need a compliment some time.  Men are no different from women in that regard.  I don't see any point in singling out one gender or the other when pointing out things which are common to the human experience.

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