
Do men really think so?

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Do men really think all women are liars and deceiving? I have asked nearly all the males i know and they do seem to think so...!!




  1. Yep.

    I do.

    I fully expect every woman with whom I have contact to lie, if not about one thing then about another. Just as I fully expect them to deny it if and when confronted about it. I accept this as part of what women are - as part of what women do. And I am convinced that it's such a natural thing for them to do that they just can't help it.

    I have never been in a relationship with a truly honest woman - I really don't think they exist. And I have been in LOTS of different relationships with lots of different women over time.

    I have never and would never left a woman *just* for being a liar. That would be like leaving them because they breathe - pointless.

  2. I don't think women lie any more than men (is this naive of me?).  And like men, some have a lot of integrity and others don't.  

    I would not want a relationship with someone who lied all the time or about important things.  And I wouldn't want to share too much time with someone who viewed me as a commodity, someone to be manipulated and played to their ends; however, I am not perfect and it would be unreasonable to make demands that my partner always be absolutely honest with me about everything.  She is just human.

  3. sorry, but out of experience they usually are. even my best friend regularly admits that she dates a guy because he's useful, rather than actually caring about him....

    generally i don't trust women unless i know them very well, and hence keep relationships at a distance until such times that i know the girl won't s***w me over (i.e cheat, lie etc) and i think a lot of guys feel the same way....

  4. well i dont think its as much of liars.  but for the most part in my experience there's an ulterior motive behind three quarters of women's questions. like if we ask where do you want to eat we genuinely want to know where you want to eat.and that's that. but if a woman asks the same question. another question is hidden in there. like do u remember what or where i like to eat. w men are simple minded and most of our questions are straight forward.  

  5. Boys may think so, but I doubt if many men do.

    I certainly don't.

  6. WE think they are and they think we are it is suprising anyone has a relationship especially when they are built on mistrust.

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