
Do men think as much as women?

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I know, personally, I can NEVER stop thinking... is that the same way with men?




  1. ya we think abut u guys quite a lot its quite scari


    i mean it


    and i reali can t compare it with girls coz i dont knw how much u guys think

  2. No, and I am an unusual man who thinks a lot. Most men confuse imagination and fantasy with thinking. Women are better, not always, but in general.

  3. I often try not to think because at times it makes life more bearable, but d**n it I just can't turn it off.

  4. It is based on the individual and not the s*x of an individual.

  5. I am sure that they do ! Only they tend to think about quite different things from women. Also they are not as good at multi-thinking as women are.

  6. They think just as much, only with the "Southern head."  :-)

  7. Not when we can help it.

  8. I don't know, I think it is weird if a man thinks like me,if my lady boss did'nt yell at me, (I am not good on paper works but I am good on productions) in a week I run to the pawnshop and buy me a jewelry,or fixed my toilet( yucky I hate it),paint my fence,do concrete on side walk etc..  reward my self on jewelries, hand bags and shoes.

  9. I think men think differently than women altogether.

    Women ruminate more. Women analyze everything to death in great detail. We take longer to decide. Also, we spend much more time worrying about interpersonal issues and such. Men don't sit around worrying so much about who they upset yesterday and how its affecting their relationship etc. And I don't think they sit around thinking about other people's problems like we do either. Unless of course....they have an immediate solution (you know how they love to solve things) in which case they spend 15 seconds conjuring up the solution then its back to the whale tail they spotted on the subway....

    Men think more directly and second guess themselves much less. I think they spend a lot more time entertaining useless thought than women do. They might say otherwise, but I truly believe they consume themselves with work thought as the main course, and once they reach the immediate conclusions with their work thoughts they meander to frivolous mind litter like the three stooges and the big b***s they saw on the elevator this morning.

  10. They think as much as we do, they just sort of......shift focus.

  11. Have you ever tried to stop thinking??

  12. Men think just as much, if not more.  The thing is, we think about things that matter.  Things we can do something about.  Important things.

    We don't think about if some random person called us fat.

    I've seen nights ruined for a woman just because someone looked at her funny earlier that day.  She can't stop thinking about it.  Seems strange, but to each their own.

    I say just move on and enjoy life.

  13. Yes, but they think differently then we do.

  14. I think men have more to think about. Most of my time I think about women

  15. Yes thy can some times and some times not.

  16. Yeah I used to have that problem. Beer helps.

  17. Everyone is always thinking every second we're alive.

  18. I'm always thinking about something.  How can you not?

  19. All humans have this problem.

    You will always be thinking as you live (even when sleep) But you can control what you think in your mind by learning to focus at the task at hand.

    Zen teaches this. When you eat, you eat, when you walk you walk, when you sleep, you sleep. Focusing at the task at hand helps you eliminate the thinking overload.

    Meditation, learning not to think, or think of a blank piece of paper. Will help you on this.

  20. Yes, just as much (if you are talking about conscious thought)  Might think about different things, though.  I wouldn't know what, I'm not a man.

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