
Do men treat conservative women worse?

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Anyone agree with this:

"It almost seems like the conservative women that have higher standards and morals get treated worse, probably because the men see us as a challenge and know that they can't get what they want from us-- In other words: We're not easy, and that bothers them."





  1. Having higher standards and morals are a good thing and if those women believe in something so strongly then they are less likely to be used by men who have the opposite view to them.  Men might see them as a challenge but in the end it's the women's morals that dictate the outcome.

  2. I think you are right in a way. Idiots who only want one thing will think you are a ***** because they are not getting what they want.

  3. Not at all.  I am pretty conservative and get treated very well by the large majority of men.  But I am friendly, kind, thoughtful, pleasant to be around...obviously confident but humble.  Frankly, it sounds as though she has a chip on her shoulder.  I have never thought of pigeon holing other women as liberal and then watching how they are treated.

    But I also associate with men of whom I trust to treat me well...with respect.  Maybe my higher standards have benefited me.

  4. no, not at all.the best of men love the challenge. some people need to raise the bar high!

    your additional details is very

  5. As a man i can tell you that that is pretty much false.

    It's natural, good people get treated good.

    But some mean people treat good people bad (regardless if it's a male or female)

    Or,well, maybe you are talking about this guy who is called Men and treats conservative women worse.

  6. Not  this  cowboy Consevative women are just better

  7. Most women I know are conservative, and they seem to get treated better than liberal women here.  Very liberal women-and men for that matter- tend to get labeled as "angry" people around here.  But most men around here are conservative too.  

  8. o.0 sounds like someone is a little tight assed.

    I'm not sure what group of women gets treated worst...the "liberal" out there ones, the conservatives, or the rest of the normal women who fall between the two groups.  Most of the conservative women I've most have been older have been treated just fine.

  9. The attitude of the kind of women you describe probably puts most men off. What kind of treatment are they expecting by the way?

  10. I like ladies with good morals but what I do not like is the ones who think that men are evil pigs that should serve their every need and then take them for all they own.  Men don't like when you take them for a ride just cuz the women in question thinks she is better than all the other women and men in the world.  

  11. I certainly agree with you to some extent. I have experienced in the past a man's attitude towards me change when I talk about the fact that I could never sleep with a man or get involved with someone unless he first kept my heart and head safe and comforted and i could trust him. That he must be consistently kind to me. The once before seemingly eager man who would look at me with sheer awe and delight whenever I came in the room turns to coldness and rudeness...all for the salient fact of my lack of  being an easy ho...

    Of course men of character and integrity would most likely be impressed by a woman who want to be valued for their personhood and not their status as an effective s*x object.It saddens me personally that I have to act like a woman in 'NUTZ' lads magazine in order to be deemed acceptable by certain members of the populace. I am a highly sexual woman but I will never be someone's w***e

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