
Do mexicans work at indian restaurants?

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I saw someone today working at an indian restaurant, and he looked sort of hispanic. He had a ponytail, and a mustache.




  1. If they want to, sure. Don't discriminate.

  2. i wouldn't see why not

  3. Why not? anyone could work anywere if you get hired.

  4. of course mexicans could work anywere.

  5. Why are you stereotyping?? I don't think that this question is appropriate.  I am Mexican and I feel offended by this...if you don't like a Mexican working at a restaurant then don't go there.

    First of all you're like generalizing and being specific at the same time.


    Is so funny how people now days don't really know what's what.

  6. haha omg i knew these mexicans that owned an italian resturaunt!

  7. yeah mexicans do work at indian restuarants, im persian princess tooo

  8. Of course.  You don't have to be Indian to work at an Indian restaurant.


  10. your mom does

  11. lol. what differnce does it make? do you have to be Indian to work at an Indian restaurant?

    why did you have to bring up the mustache?

  12. mexicans can work wherever they want. it doesnt matter. its a free country. dont discriminate races.

  13. A lot of undocumented workers from Mexico work in Kitchens of Indain, Chinese, you name it restaurants.

  14. ?

    Is that not allowed?

  15. if they get hired.... dun dun dun

  16. do american's work at chinese restaurants?

  17. Now that's funny because I have seen Indians working in Mexican restaurants.

    "Oh my good golly, we have a delicious burrito on the menu tonight. But of course this is an authentic Mexican restaurant. Why do you ask?"

    I have also seen Chinese waiters in seafood restaurants. I guess it's hard to find a good mermaid when you're looking for waitresses.

  18. I don't know where they work. But they eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant! I never saw so many Mexicans in a Chinese place before. And then, the funny thing was, a few nights later we went to a great Mexican restaurant, and there were so many Asians!! LOL! I guess people are just people. I am Cajun and love all kinds of food. So I guess Mexicans, Cajuns, Italians, French, Romanians, etc can work in any kind of restaurant they want to, and eat there, too! What a world!

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