
Do mice in a home ever just go away?

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I had a mouse (or two??) in my house. I found the p**p and set five traps around the house. The mouse never was caught, but now I have no sign of any mice anywhere. Ive checked all over the house and in all the places it was hanging out and found nothing. Did it leave?? Do they ever do that??




  1. Some types of mice come in over the winter and leave in the summer if you keep all food sources so they cant get to it.  Not easy.  They can find food easier in the summer, Its everywhere.    In the winter they come in to stay warm and to look for food.  I have a farm and deal with them winter and summer here.  Hope this helps answer your question.

  2. As a general rule they will not leave as long as they have food and a nest.  Keep looking.

  3. vermin hang out where there is easy access to food.

    if you leave your house in a clean condition and the food you do have is not easily accessible then there is a possibility that it left for better hunting grounds.

  4. All kinds of predators go for mice:  rattlers, cats, dogs, raptors, coyotes, fox, scorpions so perhaps something ate the mice family.

    Mice will move out if for instance a snake moves in.  Here in Arizona my neighbors have snakes but no mice can be found on their property.  As long as the scent of the predator is sensed, the mice will stay away.  That is why dog turds are great mice repellants; even mice can't stand that smell!

  5. Not normally. They build nests in out of the way places and have babies.

  6. We tresspass on their parade , They return the favor. If you don't know how they got in, in the first place then of course they will come visit again, more than likely when it gets a bit too wet or too cold for them outside. They are probably rearing a few families, which they will introduce to you later. So you need to find how they got in and then bolt the door. Alternatively, get yourself a young tom cat don't over feed it, and he will do the job for you. Happy Hunting

  7. I seem to be having the problem as you as I have found 3 mice in my house lately, of course I thank my cat cause she is the one that shows them to. my advice? get a cat, if you cant find them, let a cat do the job, and please if you do get a cat don't cut it's food supply low.. thats a heartless and illegal thing to do, the cat will detect, catch and kill the mouse, even if it doesn't eat it. and of course if you find how they are getting in, block the point of entry.

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