
Do mice make good pets?

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i saw this really cute one at the pet store yesterday. i never really thought about one as a pet before. i mean can you hold them? or play with them? they seem like they would bite alot and be really fast and hard to hold. how long do they live?

i already have a hamster i dont know if i could handle another rodent (or if my mom will let me) but if i research and find out that they make good pets i might get one




  1. Mice make great pets!They are easy to take care of, are active and intelligent and can be trained just like a dog would be!The only downside is that they smell BAD!! If you decide to keep a male mouse than you can buy an automatic air freshener that goes off every few minutes.Mice can live for 2-3 years depending on their breed.

  2. mice r so cute. some might nip tho...and they stink.

    And they r very squirmy.

    maybe u should get a guinea pig, they dont smell bite or squirm. they love to play and be cuddled and held. and they r very affectionate and live for a long time like 5-8 years. rats only live like 2 or 3 years i think?

    anyways, good luck getting a mouse, and u might want to check out the guinea pigs too...

  3. u cant hold them or play with them its very hard to unless u get them wen ther like old enough to tuch they never bite i breed mice and i have had none bite me not even go to they only live fo about 2 years mabe 3 if ur lucky not very long though thy are very good pets if u have a hamster and think u cant cope then dont think u should get 1 unless u do alot of research and u will want to look for fancy mice thats wt they sell at pet shops ..


  4. I have six and only two are able to play, probably due to being the only ones that would come onto my hand. They are mostly cage pets but the two girls(Lilly and Jelly Bean), I frequently play with are totally fine and they will sit on my shoulder or in my lap and run on my legs...

    I like them, but personally my favorite rodent to get is the rat and then the gerbil...

  5. hi i love mice i have two you should get one and they NEVER bite i mean NEVER so there great and there cute to bond with but you will need to get two as mice need cagemates hope this helps xoxox

  6. mice ugly they r the same with rats need to be kill small ugly creatures

  7. i just got a rat and they make very good pets...i think mice are similar but they are probably harder to handle because they are smaller...and i don't think they live as long, but they are really cute!

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