
Do michael phelps or ryan lochte have gf's??

by Guest59226  |  earlier

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Do michael phelps or ryan lochte have gf's??




  1. If you'd asked me before I read these answers if Michael Phelps had a girlfriend, I would have said no. With his training schedule and focus on the Olympics I wouldn't have thought he would have time. But after reading that article, I'm thinking I was wrong. I know you can't believe everything you read but agghhh! I'm going to go cry in my pillow now lol.

  2. i hope not...

    but check this out, who is that girl with him???

    i hope she is just a friend... lol =]

  3. phelps does

    so does lochte

    check the links below

  4. yeah phelps is my boy friend!!!

  5. Michael Phelps does not have a girlfriend at this moment, though his friend said that he does have a special female friend that is out of town. Phelps also said he has no time for dating right now, so he is available, but give him a break.

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