
Do middle children really receive the least attention?

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Do middle children really receive the least attention?




  1. it would depend on the other children and the ages. my middle kids gets the most attention from her siblings. my oldest & my youngest don't play much but they both are constantly fighting for my middle childs attention.

    i think they all receive about the same.

  2. Not is so hard with three children...I babysit for 3 brothers age 1, 3 and 4.  It is difficult even when just babysitting!

  3. NO. im da youngest by alot cuz my bros and siss are grown up and i dont get da attention day do cuz day hav ADULT PROBLEMS.

  4. Yes, at least for me. My older sister was the first to do everything. My younger sister was the baby. Me? Well, I was the one who did the chores :(

  5. Not enough info >>  like in families or school?

    Edit: I'm sorry i read the Q wrong. I wouldn't exactly know but i have an idea bc im oldest of one younger sibling. And let me tell ya that she gets ALLLLL the attention

  6. I think at times, a middle child does receive the least amount of attention, but can command it. The oldest is usually the one who shoulders most of the responsibility in regards to the other siblings, and the youngest is the baby and is treated as such.

    Are you a middle child? I am the oldest in my clan.

  7. I'm the oldest in my clan, but I can't say that my middle sibs got less attention than me or my youngest sib. Especially when I went away to college, my middle sib started getting a LOT of attention.

  8. No, whoever came up with that philosophy was probably a middle child. I am the youngest child of six, and I can only say that by the time my parents had me they felt to worn down and beaten to pay any attention to me, and they admitted it later in life, but my older siblings always talk about how when my mother was young she used to take them to dance classes and tyqwando lessons and bake cookies and always have dinner ready. Most of the time my dinner was toast with jelly on it and I wasn't allowed to take up after school activities, because both my parents worked and couldn't find the time or energy to cart me around where I needed to go. ;-)

  9. I think perhaps they do. I'm the youngest of three girls. My older two sisters are about a year and a half apart and I'm almost 6 years younger than the middle. My oldest sister had completely different rules because she was the oldest, then my parents tried new techniques on the middle sister, and by the time I came around I barely had any rules and I was as spoiled as they come.

    I don't think it's intentional by the parents but with your first child, you're just learning how to do things and what not to do. You correct your mistakes with the first one by doing things different with the second and by the time you get to the third one, you're so tired you just don't care anymore.

  10. read Connie das daszwischinkind

  11. it seems so.  i babysit for three, and the middle is just the loner.  she just seems to like being alone though.  it could be her personality.

  12. no

  13. well there was 11 of us there was 6 older and  4 younger and i got the most attention but then again i was also the only girl.

  14. it completly completley depends on how your children are grouped / spaced!!!

    I was in a family of 5 kids and we were born approximately every 2 years...we were all VERY CLOSE.

    My kids are 14 months apart.............(first two) and then: 12 YEARS apart!!!  yep. really is like my 3rd child is my MIDDLE    AND my oldest child to her little brother, and poses as little sister to her older sibs..but she is SO stuck in the middle its not even funny! poor lil spoiled thing

  15. is not true.

    I am in the middle. but yes I had to fight up and down to prove I was in between there every step.

  16. I'm a middle child..and I never felt that way

  17. No. This depends all on how the family process and how the parents raised each individual child. Some middle child may receive more attention, and others might receive less. There really is no determining this answer from picking on the middle child.

  18. It's just a different kind of attention I think.

  19. No. As the youngest of 4, I can't tell you how many times my parents told me "We can't come to your dance recital/Chorus Program/Talent Show/Play because we have to go to Patti/Pam's or Bobby's games. You understand, don't ya baby!?!" I always said I did, but I never did. If it were not for my Grandpa, I would have had no one at my things because my parents chose to go to my siblings' things. For my 43rd birthday (in January) We bought tickets to a show (MItch Fatel at our Comedy Club) and asked my parents to come. They said they could not because my sister was having a baby shower for her friend. A stranger (not a family memeber) took precedence over my (a family member) birthday. I sold the tickets and my husband, son and I just stayed home and celebrated quietly.

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