
Do military marriages work in the end...esp. navy?

by Guest61596  |  earlier

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dont these men cheat...i mean they are gone for exxtended periods of time in the sandbox with other women....




  1. Seriously, my man is at war right now and the last thing I am worried about is him cheating. If a person is going to cheat they are going to do it regardless of their profession. In fact, I think the military makes it harder for them to cheat. Most of the cheating I have heard of comes from the women at home not from the men out there. A marriage takes love ,trust and commitment. If both parties are willing to try then nothing will ruin their marriage

  2. My dad was in the Navy for 20 years and my parents never cheated on each other. It's the person , not the service. My parents have been married for 50 years now.

  3. Do any marriages work? Yes some do and some dont (well lots dont) but it dosent mater what walk of life you are from your marriage can break down for many reasons. look before you leap and all that.

  4. Some do and some don't..just like in civilian marriages.  Some cheat, some don't..just like in civilian marriages.  Military marriages have some stressors that other marriages may not...frequent moves, extended time apart..but weather a marriage fails is often due to how the individuals deal with the issues (or don't)...same as in a civilian marriage facing a challenge.  FYI..the divorce rate in the military is about the same as it is overall for the USA.

  5. I have been married for 28 years.

    Military marriages do work.

    Though from what I have seen, it has been the wives back home that cheat far more often than the guys do.

  6. some people cheat whether they are in the military or not

    dont blame it on the military... blame it on the individual!!

    I'm married to an army soldier. we have never been unfaithful!!

    and P.S. it's not just the men! Female soldiers cheat too!! I have witnessed more female soldiers cheating on their significant others more than spouses!

  7. I met my husband while he was in the navy 11 years ago and we have been married 10 years. Its just like anyother marriage some work some don't

  8. Just like with any marriage trust and communication is key to making things work out.  DH and I that 16 years ago and still have it today.  His being in the Navy has made it more important that we maintain and strengthen both of these in our marriage.  Since we both know that, we both work on it and will probably still have total trust in each other and good communication with each other in 20 or 50 more years.  

  9. All 5 branches of the military prohibit or make it really difficult for members to have a romantic relationship with another.  When the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are in the Persian Gulf, there isn't much free time.

    Adding to the previous responder, people will cheat regardless.  It's up to the individuals in the marriage to make sure the relationship remains fresh and to continue to spend time with each other without children around (i.e. go on dates).

  10. There are plenty of us who have been married for 15+ years.  We have good relationships and love and trust our spouse.  Communication is kept open and the need to cheat doesn't exist as their is a wonderful person at home waiting for you and an equally wonderful person serving their country.

    Deployments and remotes don't ruin a good marriage, but they make it easier for a bad marriage to fall apart.

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