
Do mirrors lie? What do you all think?

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Wow so many good responses thanks guys!....What about tinted mirrors...lets say when you look at yourself in a tinted mirror you can obviously see more imperfetions from your face (scars appear deeper ect....) is that how you appear to people?




  1. I think that in all honesty, it depends on how u depict yourself.  If you think that you are beautiful, then when you look in the mirror, you see a beautiful person.  If the self-image you have of yourself is an ugly fat person, that is what you are going to see.

  2. in florescent lighting, h**l YES.


  3. I swear they do mirrors and cameras too. I was going swimming in my friend's pool and when I was changing into my bathingsuit I looked in her mirror and I looked super tall and slim...I was like 40lbs over weight. I got a new camera phone and no matter how good i look in the mirror I look disgusting in the picture.

  4. In the literal form, no, they don't lie. They don't even talk. But in the figurative form, yes they lie. Mirrors only show the person in physical appearance, but not their inside personality. A mirror that shows through the skin, and into the person, that is a real mirror. The only mirror that can tell you who you are, and what you are, may either be yourself or someone else. Here's a story:

    All men have two bags of fault. The bag in front of them, where they can easily see, are the faults of other men. The bag behind them, where they cannot easily see, are their own faults. Sometimes it's hard to see yourself for who you really are, and what you've done wrong, but having someone else look at you, they may be able to see what you really are. That is a mirror.

  5. Strange you ask- I have talking about this a lot recently.

    I look in the mirror - I look ok. Every photo of me is terrible!

    I can only think that we are our harshest critics.

  6. yes, why would they spill there life to you. dating and drugs could be a cause of it.

  7. depend on which mirror you use.. but to be honest they dont lie... but videos can lie.. infact they do all the time with reality shows...

  8. no, but most of our own minds dont let us reveal the truth

  9. No. They portray only what is true.

    It just may be different from what you think something is like.

  10. Tough question.  Sometimes we see ourselves how we want to.  Just keep in mind beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  11. Not as such.

    It is a fact though that people prefer their appearance in a mirror than they do in photos because it is a more familiar face they see in the mirror but quite different to there actual face because it is reversed obviously.

  12. it is not the mirror that lies. all a mirror is, is a sheet of glass with metal behind it. what lies is our brain and how the image is sent to our brain

  13. a mirror is a inatimate object reflecting light... it cannot lie or thell the truth ant the truth is a matter of opinion in the first place

  14. Since mirrors are incapable of speech, no, they don't lie.

    You look different in a mirror than you do to others, or in a photograph.

    Usually photo's are more true to self than mirrors are.

  15. not really. but sometimes i look better in one mirror than another. whenever this happens, i only look in the good one :)

  16. They don't lie but we all know the 'good' mirrors and the 'bad' mirrors and where they're located.....

  17. No;...

  18. sometyms ..

    i can't believe how gawgus i look. . .

  19. absolutely not

  20. My bathroom mirror does it makes me look thinner than i am!

  21. Absolutely.

    I am a beauty Queen. Completely s**y!!

    Until I walk by a mirror. Then I become just plain ol....Me.

    But thats ok. I probley just need more mirrors.

  22. Yes depending on how the mirror is positioned it could make someone look taller and skinnier or shorter and fatter than they would like...

  23. Yes... If you're anorexic. Then the mirror image in distorted to you.

  24. distort? yes.  lie? no.

  25. Yes mirrors lie.  I know this by the repulsed feeling I used to get whenever I looked at my own face in the mirror.  The mirror I had would tell me how awful I looked.  It told me on a daily basis that I was unlovable and ugly.

    Thank God I broke that mirror and replaced it with a mirror that could only see the good things about me.

    Have a nice day.

  26. That is you in there.

    Thats what I look like.

    well, slap me silly, that is me.

  27. YES.

    The s***w with your brain...

    I lifted weights for years and I did not see a difference,, I always used a mirror when working out.

    So I quit, but after hearing people say differently,, things likes,, d**n your big... Maybe its just me,, idn,,

  28. No they don't lie unless you are in a funny mirror. Scales don't lie either!

  29. well some of them make people look different like fatter or thinner. and my moms huge bathroom mirror makes people look really tall.

  30. Yes!  That is why magicians use them all the time to trick people. You can't believe a mirror at all.  Most people see what they expect to see in mirrors.  If an anorexic girl thinks she is fat she will see herself fat in the mirror even if she is barely a skeleton.  Hitler saw a master race in his mirror, even though he had NONE of the qualities he raved about!  NEVER trust a mirror.  As a magician I know that visual proof is the weakest proof of all.

  31. No, the mirrors themselves don't lie, but sometimes people see themselves as looking worse than others would. Still, the mirror itself isn't lying.

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