
Do miserable, gossipy, rude women tend to quit their jobs faster?

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Than say, people who arent there to socialize, be part of a clique, or are actually polite and kind to co-workers?

I enjoy seeing other people be miserable at my job, it usually means a soon dismissal am I wrong?

Can I continue wishful thinking?




  1. You job is you job, not your social life.  If you make friends there so be it, but it is not high school.

    Grow Up

  2. I ignore people like that.

    That's the best way to deal with them, is never socialize with them in the first place, and just do your job. If you let people like that get comfortable with you, than you're only opening a door that allows them to get underneath your skin just as they do other co workers.

  3. Nah, people make the job 9 times out of 10 - you can have the world's worst job, but if you're working with good people who you like, it will make it seem worthwhile.  How boring would it be if you never talked or socialised?!  :-)

  4. I've noticed that the biggest pains in my *** at this job have been here before I was born and shall remain here after I find a better job.  Of course, the benefits are killer and the job is stable, which is definitely an attractive trait in today's day and time.  Que cera.

  5. It depends on how much she is affecting the company.  Sometimes, those people stick around, and I have no idea why.  Some bosses see that as a good quality.  Some don't.  yes, you can continue wishful thinking!  I have worked with people like that, they do make things miserable. I feel for you!

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